Satanic USA undeclared hybrid warfare against China
The present Coronavirus epidermic in China did not occur naturally due to consumption of wild life as presumably claimed by the West / US. The highly infectable and deadly virus was implanted in China by the wicked Americans. The US has secretly developed a vaccine against the virus. Many of the Americans who took part in the international military games in Wuhan around end December 2019, just days before the long Chinese Lunar New Year were carriers of the virus but they did not get sick because they had already been vaccinated against the disease before their departure for China. These American carriers of the disease had intentionally spread the virus amongst the Chinese in their visits to the shopping malls and other public places.
It would seem this allegation is far fetched. But remember after the Second World War in 1945, the American government had inherited the entire blue print and secrets of the Japanese chemical and biological germ warfare laboratory 731 in a tread off in which Japanese First Class war criminals like emperor Hirohito, Abe's maternal grandfather the minister in charge of 731 and many other first class war criminals were exempted from prosecution and execution. In this tread off many of these criminals who were scientists working in 731 had to work for the United States in laboratories in charge of germ and chemical warfare experiments in well known universities in US and other US occupied territories. Also as part of the deal US confiscated over three thousand tons of gold in which the Japanese military had robbed from China and some other South East Asian countries then under Japanese occupation. Thus in exempting the Japanese first class war criminals from prosecution and execution US was complicit in in the Japanese war crimes against humanity.
In implanting the Coronavirus amongst the Chinese people the US is thus conducting a hybrid biological germ warfare against China. This germ warfare is part of US multi agenda to contain China's peaceful development. Hence the tariff and trade wars against China, the sanctions, the endless propaganda and demonization against China in the mass media controlled by US, in cyber warfare, in the fake accusation against Huawei and criminal kidnapping of Huawei's chief financial officer, Meng Wan Chou, in the dangerous military and naval harassments against China in the South China Sea and the East China Sea as well as the US coordinated Hong Kong riots, the Uyghur troubles in Xinjiang and the interference in the Chinese internal affairs over Taiwan when it illegally sells offensive weapons to the renegade Chinese traitors in the island. All these show the unprecedented diabolical wickedness of the United States toward China and the Chinese people. All these diabolical deeds are done so as to maintain American supremacy and world hegemony and to keep its number one position in the world though albeit against the background of American decadence and natural deterioration due to its utter illicit greed for power and other countries' wealth and riches.
The coronavirus is part of the US diabolical hybrid warfare against China with the objective not only to kill millions of Chinese but also to destroy China in every perspective in trade and commerce, banking and finance, science and technology, industries and the international Belt and Road initiatives.
Below are the quotations of some factual truths from an eminent writer of New Eastern Outlook , Peter Koenig in his article dated 28th January, 2020, entitled, " Chinese Resilience and Silent, Simple and Steady Resistance - A Model for Mankind " Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst who worked for over 30 years with the World Bank.
"The Chinese government is determined to fight the virus for the betterment and the well-being of its people and this is reflected in the high esteem and credibility the Chinese people entrust in their government.."
"To the contrary , in the West / USA in particular , the disease is treated as an opportunity as foremost business and that business model of health care is steadily increasing, treating sick people as a market and those not yet sick as a potential market. In the West the the medical industry is one of the most ferocious money-making apparatuses next to the war industry."
"Further the big western bought and manipulative media have immediately put the blame on China. They are demonizing and slandering China for insufficient hygiene, for medical negligence - it is actually one more accusation of the " Yellow Peril "causing worldwide danger. A horror of Western attitude and injustice. "
"The CIA / Pentagon sponsored over 100 laboratories throughout the world both clandestine and semi-known to fabricate and test agents for biological warfare. "
"A few years ago one such laboratory was discovered and reported on in Ukraine. They were working on a virus affecting the "Russian Race." Since there is no homogenous Russian Race - their trials supposely failed. Since the empire never gives up in its evil attempts to dominate the world, we can assume that research on race directed bio-agents continues."