Richdude wrote on Feb 17
th, 2020 at 12:10pm:
Karnal wrote on Feb 17
th, 2020 at 11:04am:
Speaking of honesty, Rich, is it Russia?
You still haven't said, dear.
You can believe whatever you want comrade - I don't care.
Now for some sober and frightening news from China.
This is hard to believe but you be the judge.
Scroll down to the bottom - "Corona Unmasked"
Why are your sources always such rubbish?
A UFO Wordpess blog?
If you look at the content they posted in that link so much of it, as usual, isn't what they're claiming.
There is a video in there claiming to show Wuhan being "disinfected" with firefighting trucks spraying water during a ceremonial parade or old footage of fogging in the streets finishing with the inaugural Flight JX201 from Starlux getting a water cannon salute.
None of that is showing what the video is claiming to be.
Fact check you fool. None of that has anything to do with COVID-19.
You're doing what light used to, showing waterbombing planes used to fight bush fires as secret hidden photos of chemtrailing planes.
Untrue, Fake news, lies.
Are you so desperate to be right you're just sharing blatantly false information, again!?
What the hell is wrong with you...
Here is a nice rule of thumb for you, if you think someone is real, it's not, you're wrong, go fact check it before posting. If you still think it's real after doing your fact-checking, you'll at least have the evidence to post to back it up.
You've got nothing to lose, except maybe your opinions being changed by the facts for once.
Just check out the water cannon ceremony source video,
Translated title: "Xingyu Aviation's First Flight to Macau ~ Water Spray Ceremony"
I did not say I believed it - merely presented the info.
If you are not mature enough to handle disturbing new material - don't read/watch it.
This is a report from an Epoch Times reporter discussing China/Russia warfare programs.