Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 7 th, 2020 at 9:58pm: Karnal wrote on Mar 7 th, 2020 at 9:55pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 7 th, 2020 at 9:51pm: Karnal wrote on Mar 7 th, 2020 at 9:29pm: Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 7 th, 2020 at 6:54pm: Karnal wrote on Mar 7 th, 2020 at 6:48pm: You appear to be correct, Homo, but that's not fair. We like to help the refugees, but we won't stomach every Tom, Dick and Harry waltzing in and taking advantage of our generosity.
There are, by the way, quite a few Pakis and Bangladeshis in Athens. I've always assumed them to be legit migrants. They're Europe's Curries. But you are always banging on about western countries causing the migrant flow with overseas wars? Only with Iraq and Afghanistan, Homo. Rohinga? Myanmar. Afghanis? Warlords, Taliban. Pakis? Paki Taliban. Syrians? Assad, ISIS, Russia, Turkey, etc, etc, etc. It is a jolly world, no? I've been watching interviews with migrants on the border and good jobs seem to be the concern of many. Whinging about not earning enough in Turkey. None of this is about safety. They have safety in Turkey. They want a more first world type of comfortable safety. Indeed, and Turkey's letting them out. They did warn them, you know. Pay up, or face the consequences. The Isle of Lesbos has never looked so multicultural, no? Take that. Now you know how it feels, Lesos. It's not about paying money to Turkey to keep migrants. Turkey wants military support for it's future war with ASAD and it's not getting any. Interesting. Talk about cunning. Have you got a link?