Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 18
th, 2020 at 2:48pm:
It is starting to look a bit suss. Why the heck havent the shelves been restocked? was EVERYTHING from china? I think i saw somewhere that woolies is going to close early today to restock so taking mums pension card tomorrow morning.
Yep. Looking suss alright
How often has the media told us that the apples in supermarket bins were separated from the tree a year, even two years, before?
same with most fruit a veg. And supermarkets have massive cold storage in which to hold all that produce, doling it out a little at a time when the in-store bins run low
but now … fruit and veg in short supply, despite those massive cold storage depots and facilities. Even though fruit and veg are perishables. And despite that today's refrigerators have limited capacity and despite I haven't read of panic buying of household freezers and despite fruit and veg don't hold up well to freezing, which is why they're described as perishable
Then … did Australian producers of Australian canned fruit and veg turn off their factories?
Did Aussie breadmakers and bakers turn off their ovens or switch them and staff to half power?
Did abattoirs close?
Did the massive uncooked chicken suppliers close?
Did toilet roll mills close, or switch to half power?
What's going to happen when people are queueing two hours for petrol?
What will be the excuse for turning off the power and gas?
In the US, Walmarts is reportedly under attack and being ransacked
Someone stabbed a supermarket attendant in Australia yesterday
and a blind woman in a supermarket was robbed of her toilet paper
women fighting tooth and nail over toilet paper
how long before the trustworthy media reports car-jackings for the sake of two bags of groceries?
when will the media report old age pensioners being robbed for groceries in the street?
But WHERE are the dead corona victims?
and as the Americans are asking openly now, with very few believable responses: who do you know who ACTUALLY has corona?
Italy's claiming a couple of thousand but conveniently has the population locked down and unable to attend the supposed funerals
Will this escalate?
or will the powers that be admit they bit off more than they could chew, once they come down from their coke hits and call the sham off?
And how soon before people who indulged in hoarding rather than pay rent and mortgage begin to try to flog off their hoards on Gumtree and ebay?
Also, hope Aldis, Woolies and Coles are ready for some very slow months of trading as people doggedly chow down on all that hoarded pasta and rice before winter's mice get into it