Sophia wrote on Mar 19
th, 2020 at 8:49am:
Some will talk of extortion about loo paper, on the radio before, a woman was trying to get on her flight either from or to Miami, her booked flight was $1200 one way, for some reason that flight was cancelled, her next flight the price, one way, was $4000 !
Now that’s desperate, don’t know if she took the flight or not.
And on the radio, a ship in our port is refused disembarking passengers. So they are stuck there.
But some Americans, probably from a flight or another cruise liner were found to be wandering around having a good time instead of self isolation.
All this told on the radio.
I don’t have links. But I wonder, is the government going to fine them to make an example??? To show the seriousness of what self isolating means??
Woman told me yesterday she got a text from her daughter who works in the Telstra shop in Hervey Bay .. saying this bloke walked in there yesterday said he had just arrived back in the country from Sth Africa & needed credits for his phone.
She was livid(the daughter) & her mother said she doesn't swear .... but she texted " he should f*#k off & get the f*#k out of her store.
This typical of the dickheads in the world ... he should have been in self isolation & he can buy phone credits online.