Dnarever wrote on Oct 18
th, 2020 at 10:28am:
you will probably find that better than 99% of the times when a perp is injured or killed by a cop's firearm, it was a justified use of the firearm
I would think 80% is optimistic.
"There were 82 shooting deaths in police custody between 2006–07 and 2016–17 (see Table A1).
Fifty-seven percent (n=47) of these deaths were police shootings, and 43 percent (n=35) were selfinflicted (see Table 1). All but three shooting deaths in police custody occurred as police attempted to detain the individual (see Table A2)"
"In 96 percent (n=43; see Table 4) of police shootings between 2006–07 and 2016–17 the decedent
was in possession of a weapon. The weapon most commonly possessed by decedents was a knife
(47%, n=21), followed by a firearm (31%, n=14). Between 1989–90 and 2010–11, 85 percent (n=89)
of fatal police shootings involved a decedent in possession of a weapon (AIC 2013). Since 2011–12,
this has increased to 100 percent (n=26)"
"The proportion of incidents in which the weapon was used against responding police officers was
higher in police shootings (88%, n=38) than self-inflicted shootings (34%, n=12). In police shootings,
knives were most likely to be used against police, either to threaten (n=15) or injure (n=2) a police
officer. Decedents who ultimately shot themselves were most likely to threaten (n=10) or kill (n=1)
a responding police officer using the firearm ultimately used to shoot themselves. In one other
self-inflicted shooting case, the decedent injured a police officer with a knife."
" No. %
Coronial findings available 39 83
Justifiable shooting 37
95Unjustifiable shooting 2 5
Coronial findings unavailable 8 17