I know I know, this place is all about free speech, aka, allowing racism, bigotry, sexism, promoting incel/manosphere culture, all of that, but please, draw the line at people claiming that COVID-10 or the "coronavirus" is a hoax.
EVERYONE needs to take this seriously and any source of doubt, especially with so many posters vulnerable to conspiratorial thinking over accepted facts and information from medical experts, it's dangerous.
Australia has a chance, a small one, to avoid a total lockdown, but people right now need to be doing the right thing, if they don't we're all going to suffer much worse than we are already.
Can we please at least move all posts like this (example below) to the Fringe if not removing them or their posters entirely?
This place is responsible for some terrible things, can we not let this sort of denial be one of them?
I've already had to close a business and payout 9 staff members who are now going into this uncertain period without a job. Yes, we included them in the decisions and even though some of the staff were casual, we paid out their future shifts already booked and all entitlements for the other staff, but it was (... "was" *sigh*) a Cafe. Business dried up, almost overnight.
If we stayed open, even ignoring the risk to our staff, it would have depleted out warchest and we would have been at the point of trading without being able to cover bills, rent and if we closed then, it would be impossible to pay our staff what they're owed, so we included them in the decision-making process and while it sucks, we did the best thing for everyone, even if we (myself and the other two owners) took a bath. Our staff can at least get a start on their claims of unemployment now too given what I'm sure will be a massive wait.
I'm lucky enough to have a day job that for now is insulated a little from the coming economic woes, but that will only continue so long as our clients still exist.
My wife's business won't.
And we're not alone. How many tradies will be able to work in a lockdown, little to none?
What happens then?
At least on the Gold Coast, tradies are the only thing keeping our economy afloat especially with tourism gone overnight.
Their foolish spending because there's always more money next week (which, I'm thankful for their spending, that's not a jab at them) won't work when they're in lockdown and they'll have nothing to fall back on.
So Mods, can we do something about this sort of thing?!
PZ547 wrote on Mar 21
st, 2020 at 2:01pm:
I didn't fully realise until today just how many folk are so down on their luck that they'll shill a blatantly obvious HOAX virus for pennies in an obscure forum
collecting used soft drink can pays better, surely
and looking for used cans is out in the open air, at least, instead of being cooped up indoors in misery
There IS no coronavirus
but there will be hell to pay
for those who contributed to the LIE (and to fear and panic) in order to raise shekels to pay their ISP account
or simply to masturbate
over their anonymous powah to make others as miserable as they
Or at least let us know your stance?