Confusion rains!!!!
Now for some relevant COMMENTS
Gregory Smith Firstly, you won't get any money out of China. In any case money means nothing to them. But what you CAN do is, to cause them (and I mean the leadership) is to publicly ridicule the Chinese Government. Trump has the ultimate card, he could do an offici…See more
Don Smith However having just vented my spleen, what we need to do is embarrass the shyte out of the CCP and Xi, especially Xi and have their own people including the PLA turn on them..... If there ever was a time and place to say ""Viva La Revolution"" this is it for it is a rare golden opportunity that needs to be taken advantage of
Roy Zanetti This is a no brainer. Any money they try to withold should be confiscated from their holdings in Australia including buildings, businesses, infrastructure etc. For some reason they want to play in the western world however don't want you abide by our rules. If you caused the loss of an income through your actions, you should be held accountable.
Gerald Peck They would claim to be offended and the likelihood of a payout would be just about zero. Mind a few lawyers would be rolling in it! Just keep on pointing the finger, that will mortify them, as losing 'face' is something they can't hack at all. LIkewise, think twice before ever buying anything bearing the words 'Made in China' or in the 'Made in the CPR'!
Geoff Curl Confiscate all Chinese owned assets within Australia and sell them off. This should recoup a fair bit. THE PORT OF DARWIN must remain in Government hands no matter what as it is a strategic asset.
Darryl Henchie I would like to see the Aust govt nationalize all Chinese investment here. They've done it to US companies in China... We can do it here !!!
David Bellette Just take all "their" acquired Australia assets back effective immediately.
Moira Tyrrell Isn’t it China we are borrowing from to finance the billions we are spending to assist everyone except the small business people that don’t employ people only themselves
Ivan Cope Never gonna happen. China is a communist country that answers to no one. They have no copyright laws or even patents. They blatantly steal western technology, mass produce cheap copies of western brands of all kinds of goods knowing full well that the …See more
Ed Pool As others have already said, demand payment, if they refuse, simply repossess all their overseas purchases until the $6T is reached. And best of all, cut them off from world trade.
Merilyn Phillips They deserve to be held accountable for their environmental devastation & manslaughter of the people worldwide.
Kay Ford yes they should be PUBLICLY condemned for the disgraceful way they selfishly put the rest of the world in danger NO OTHER COUNTRY SHOULD TRADE with them their human right policies have always been disgusting to their own and to others there has to be a way to