Carl D wrote on Apr 14
th, 2020 at 10:59am:
I believe travel will be cheaper to start with when it resumes to get people travelling.
The cruise ship industry will have a very difficult if not impossible task trying to get people sailing again. May be somewhat easier for the airlines but it will be a long time before we see passenger numbers return to normal.
And, when a vaccine for COVID-19 is hopefully available, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone had to produce a vaccination certificate before being allowed to fly or sail anywhere.
And, since we've all now seen what also happens with the spread of the flu every year thanks to the tracking of the spread of COVID-19, I would also like to see flu vaccination (and proof thereof) made mandatory before anyone is allowed to board an aircraft or cruise ship since it is obvious that no screening of passengers for the flu has ever been done anywhere in the world up until now.
Cruise ships might have to be dry docked and turned into overnight hotels/restaurants/casinos.
I can't imagine anyone wanting to spend weeks cooped up inside one.
As far as flights go, I'd like to see them expensive again.
That will drastically reduce the amount of riff-raff in the airports and planes, and make flying a pleasurable experience again.
I'm sick of sitting next to bogans in thongs, shorts and singlets.