freediver wrote on Jul 16
th, 2020 at 6:01pm:
You actually admitted this was a lie.
lol no I didn't. Are you really this clueless, or do you actually go out of your way to think up the most absurd thing imaginable to say?
freediver wrote on Jul 16
th, 2020 at 6:01pm:
You actually attempted to justify your lie by inventing a new meaning of innocent until proven guilty.
saying someone(s) illegally sends anything other than 0% of their money towards criminals is literally saying they are guilty of a crime - agreed? Yes or no FD.
So the only way of asserting their innocence in this particular crime is to say they send 0% - agree? Yes or no.
Thus if we were to apply the principle of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, asserting that halal certifiers illegally send 0% of their fees to terrorists in the absense of any evidence to the contrary - is perfectly consistent with this principle. Its actually an exceedingly simple proposition FD, try and get your head around it if you can. If you still disagree, I look forward to an actual coherent rebuttle as to why you disagree - rather than just the same "its wrong because its wrong" broken record that you've been chirping away inanely this entire thread.
freediver wrote on Jul 16
th, 2020 at 6:01pm:
This is a logical fallacy Gandalf. Do you really need me to explain it to you?
Oh yes, really I do. Please. "Explain it to me" is basically what I've been begging you to do this entire thread FD.
"Explain to me" why this is such an "absurd lie" but asserting that 0% of your ad revenues are sent to far right terrorists is (presumably) not. I've only asked that one about a dozen times now.