moses wrote on Aug 15
th, 2020 at 2:51pm:
In other words you don't have a reason?
You just follow the lunatic leftards without any questioning?
Just got to hate whitey for no reason (or lots of fabricated anti white rationalities).
If only Lenin and Marx could see the useful idiots of today, they would have a euphoric orgasm.
I follow no one, Moses. I'm whiter than your prophet Yeheshua, who counselled taking the mote out of thine own eye before pointing out the speck in the eyes of others.
If you feel like a white supremacist, no worries. You're free to feel as supreme as you like.
But know this: that superiority only rests upon your fear and loathing of the Muselman. Your
tinted prophet also counselled against building your house upon the sand, peace be upon him.
We apologists build our house upon the rock of Western reason. We defended that house through secularism, imperialism, facism, communism and neoconservatism, just as we defend it from the moronic isolationism of today. We build our house on the tripartite values of liberty, equality and fraternity for all people; no exceptions,
tinted and
tanned, Muslim, Christian, Hindu or Jew. As your prophet said, there are many rooms in my Father's house, peace be upon him, Allah Uakbar.
We even include our fellow white supremacists, who FD refuses to admit that he feels compelled to defend. As for myself, I most certainly do not feel compelled to defend them. I've spent a good part of the past decade disagreeing with them here on this very board. FD once did that himself, before he changed his mind.
I hardly see it as a slur to raise this point, Moses. You're still in our house, nobody's trying to have you banned, killed or sent BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. I'm not even trying to change your beliefs. That would be an exercise in futility, as G's prophet Mo said about the non believers. Only Allah bestows faith upon the faithful. There can be no compulsion in religion. I feel the same way about social and political beliefs.