freediver wrote on Aug 19
th, 2020 at 5:48pm:
Let's try one question at a time.
Does Islam compel you to automatically assume the best about your fellow Muslims?
I asked you first. Does your support for Freeeeedom compel you to automatically assume the best about white supremacists?
There are quite a few here, FD. You often have to step around them to chase after G.
Look - there's Frank playing me-speaka-da-Arabic. He's a devout white supremacist.
A few posts above and there's Moses -
not racist, you understand, he just hates Muslims, apologists, leftards, practicing Christians, etc, but he does love the white race and why not? We're a jolly bunch, even if we're Pakis (spiritually speaking; not racist).
You have to step over us too, FD. We ask you all these dumb questions you have to try to ignore. It must be a frightful bother, automatically assuming the best of people like us.
How does G do it? There he is in his mosque, trying to say his prayers, and there's all these Muslims plotting to blow up decent white people and take away our freedom.
G must have to act like you, always looking the other way and pretending he didn't hear anything. Mustapha and his crowd are always trying to get G's attention - effende! Wait, please. Have you thought about doing holy jihad and killing these Aussie dogs... No, wait! Please!
Then G has to come here and defend them, can you imagine? How diabolical is that?
So what about when you ignore Moses' daily hate rants or one of the old boy's schnapps-filled hissy fits and march straight up to G and give him a piece of your mind for saying, for example, that when he said he doesn't support Jewish genocide he really does because Moh killed those Jews as collective punishment for having a hive mind even though G said he doesn't think he did, but G has to believe it because he's a Muslim who supports a paedophile prophet, but G says he wasn't a paedophile, that's what they all did in the old days, but you say he was, but G says they don't have a hive mind, but you said G said it first, no quote me, no you answer the question, don't try your Muslim evasion with me, no you said it, but I didn't, so prove it, and on and on it goes?
I know you've nearly nailed him, FD, but you do have to step around a lot of nonsense to do it.
Is it all worth it in the end, do you think?