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Halal fees and terrorism funding (Read 42959 times)
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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #315 - Aug 20th, 2020 at 3:21pm
Don't automatically think the best of fellow muslims?

What does allah say?

The Best of Peoples in Allah's Eyes

by Ibn Misr

But the allah tells muslims in Koran 3:110:
“Ye are the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had Faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have Faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.”

So right off the pap, allah commanded muslims to treat others as inferiors, filth, unclean Kafers, and to show them harshness. That’s what they did to all the Christian countries they conquered (but defensively, remember, islam only defends itself).

The allah of islam commanded muslims to be the best deceivers, Taqquiya 3:28, and they are.

The allah of islam commanded muslims to be killers, “to slaughter the unbelievers wherever you find them.”  And to kill and be killed. They are the best in that, with no competition.

The allah of islam commanded his followers to curse in every prayer every non muslim, esspecially Christians and Jews, and they are the most devout, unmatched and best in that regard.

The allah of islam commanded his followers to steal (the jeziah) and rob the unbelievers (kafers). Not only they're the best to fulfill that, but actually that’s what sustained them for 1400 years, it’s their bread and butter. This particular command is very dear to their hearts, to emulate their prophet’s lifetime carrier, robbing caravans, Jews and Christians.

Did allah get it wrong?
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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #316 - Aug 20th, 2020 at 6:39pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 20th, 2020 at 2:31pm:
freediver wrote on Aug 19th, 2020 at 5:48pm:
Let's try one question at a time.

I tried that FD. Repeatedly. And still you ran away from all my questions. Every time.

Does Islam compel you to automatically assume the best about your fellow Muslims?


Now shall I start posting all my actual questions that you've been running away from this whole thread one at a time like a grinning idiot?

Well just for fun, here's another question for you to run away from:

When I assert that ozpolitic revenues, FD's spear fishing club's funds and halal certifier's fees alike send zero funds to terrorists when there is no shred of evidence presented to me indicating otherwse - why is that somehow only about Islam compelling me to assume the best about my fellow muslims?

You are not muslim. And neither is your spear fishing club I'm guessing.

Doesn't your pathetic little slur become a little nonsensical when I actually apply the same principle consistently across the board - muslim and non-muslim?

Why is it a slur?

I think one of the previous Muslims we had here said that Islam does compel him to assume the best of his fellow Muslims. He didn't think it was a slur.

What is this principle you are applying?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #317 - Aug 21st, 2020 at 11:54am
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 20th, 2020 at 2:31pm:

Well just for fun, here's another question for you to run away from:

When I assert that ozpolitic revenues, FD's spear fishing club's funds and halal certifier's fees alike send zero funds to terrorists when there is no shred of evidence presented to me indicating otherwse - why is that somehow only about Islam compelling me to assume the best about my fellow muslims?

In a word? Jihad.  Halal certification is a form of Islamic jihad.
Spear fishing isn't.

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #318 - Aug 22nd, 2020 at 7:34pm
freediver wrote on Aug 19th, 2020 at 5:48pm:
Let's try one question at a time.

Does Islam compel you to automatically assume the best about your fellow Muslims?

I asked you first. Does your support for Freeeeedom compel you to automatically assume the best about white supremacists?

There are quite a few here, FD. You often have to step around them to chase after G.

Look - there's Frank playing me-speaka-da-Arabic. He's a devout white supremacist.

A few posts above and there's Moses - not racist, you understand, he just hates Muslims, apologists, leftards, practicing Christians, etc, but he does love the white race and why not? We're a jolly bunch, even if we're Pakis (spiritually speaking; not racist).

You have to step over us too, FD. We ask you all these dumb questions you have to try to ignore. It must be a frightful bother, automatically assuming the best of people like us.

How does G do it? There he is in his mosque, trying to say his prayers, and there's all these Muslims plotting to blow up decent white people and take away our freedom.

G must have to act like you, always looking the other way and pretending he didn't hear anything. Mustapha and his crowd are always trying to get G's attention - effende! Wait, please. Have you thought about doing holy jihad and killing these Aussie dogs... No, wait! Please!

Then G has to come here and defend them, can you imagine? How diabolical is that?

So what about when you ignore Moses' daily hate rants or one of the old boy's schnapps-filled hissy fits and march straight up to G and give him a piece of your mind for saying, for example, that when he said he doesn't support Jewish genocide he really does because Moh killed those Jews as collective punishment for having a hive mind even though G said he doesn't think he did, but G has to believe it because he's a Muslim who supports a paedophile prophet, but G says he wasn't a paedophile, that's what they all did in the old days, but you say he was, but G says they don't have a hive mind, but you said G said it first, no quote me, no you answer the question, don't try your Muslim evasion with me, no you said it, but I didn't, so prove it, and on and on it goes?

I know you've nearly nailed him, FD, but you do have to step around a lot of nonsense to do it.

Is it all worth it in the end, do you think?

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #319 - Aug 23rd, 2020 at 3:47pm
karnal wrote: Reply #318 - Yesterday at 7:34pm
and there's Moses - not racist, you understand, he just hates Muslims, apologists, leftards, practicing Christians, etc, but he does love the white race and why not?

Pray do tell karnal, is it wrong to hate the satanical death cult islam,  which over the last 1400 odd years now, has been responsible for the rapes, tortures and deaths of 100s of 1000s (quiet possibly 1,000,000s) of innocent non muslims, simply because  of the fact they were non believers?

Do tell me karnal is it wrong to hate islam, because 100s of 1000s of little preadolescent girls have been raped by muslims, because their book of filth the qur'an tells them their prophet (who himself was sexually attracted to little girl children) is the best of example for them?

Tell me karnal, if islam was something to be admired, why has its' devoted followers reduced the heartland and homeland of islam into piles of uninhabitable rubble?

Why karnal is the sexually deviant practice of *thighing* little infants practiced by muslims, because their psychopathic prophet sanctioned it by divine revelation? Do you think its not right to hate islam because of this sexual degeneracy?

I can and do give constant figures on the rising rape, torture and death toll of islam, I simply cannot see any reason to not despise islam for the depraved death cult it is.

All of the above putridity is directly caused and motivated by the qur'an of islam, all muslims 100% support the qur'an as being the infallible unchangeable words of allah.

Therefore by definition, all muslims 100% support the pedophilia, rape, torture and mass slaughter engendered by the qur'an.
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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #320 - Aug 23rd, 2020 at 5:31pm
Cut the krap, Moses, you make all that stuff up because you hate Muslims. Coincidentally, as the old boy aserts, many of them just happen to be tinted.

Correlation, innit.

It is, as FD states, when it's argued that the Negroid Gene determines the level of Islamicism, a plausible theory.

Now this may lead some to assume that FD doesn't just step over your daily bile to get to G, Moses, FD enjoys indulging in it himself.

I wouldn't know, dear, hence my question.

Do you think he'll provide an answer?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #321 - Aug 24th, 2020 at 3:13pm
karnal wrote: Reply #320 - Yesterday at 5:31pm
Cut the krap, Moses, you make all that stuff up because you hate Muslims. Coincidentally, as the old boy aserts, many of them just happen to be tinted.

Made up what exactly?

List of Killings in the Name of Islam:

Last 30 Days: During this time period, there were 149 Islamic attacks in 21 countries, in which 780 people were killed and 665 injured.

Jihad Report Aug 15 / 2020 - Aug / 21 2020: Attacks 48 - Killed 169 - Injured 161 - Suicide Blasts 0 - Countries 10.

So far for 2020: During this time period, there were 1303 Islamic attacks in 43 countries, in which 6648 people were killed and 4984 injured.

There have been over 37,536 deadly muslim terrorist attacks since September 11 2001

So muzzies do slaughter people?

Thighing" is an Islamic practice still followed today even in Muslim communities in the U.S. and Britain:

Regarding the practice of "thighing", the masterbating between the legs of a female infant or actually sodomizing her, Islamic clerics have this to say:

Pedophilia decrees from

Question 1809

After the permanent committee for the scientific research and fatwahs (religious decrees) reviewed the question forwarded by the grand scholar of the committee with reference number 1809 issued on 3/5/1453 and 7/5/1421 (Islamic calendar)

Question: ‘It has become widespread these days, and especially during weddings, the habit of mufa’khathat of the children. (mufa’khathat - literally translated, it means “placing between the thighs” which means placing the male member between the thighs of a child).

What is the opinion of scholars, knowing full well that the prophet, the peace of Allah be upon him, also practiced the “thighing” of Aisha - the mother of believers - may Allah be pleased with her ?

Answer: After studying the issue, the committee has answered as follows:

As for the prophet, his thighing his fiancée Aisha when she was six years of age and not able to consummate the relationship was due to her small age. That is why the Prophet used to place his male member between her thighs and massage it, as the prophet had control of his male member not like other men.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister. It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

Khomeini, "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

“It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her.”

Ayatu Allah Al Khumaini's "Tahrir Al wasila" p. 241, issue number 12

Now I have made up exactly nothing karnal.

muslims slaughter people daily around the globe, muslims have sex with infants because they are told it's quiet o.k. because their evil prophet did it.

Pedophilia, rape, torture and mass slaughter all perpetrated by muslims, caused and motivated by their filthy sick *religion*.

I said it hundreds of times before, there is only one way to stop evil ideology, defeat it with truth, guns bombs and bullets are not the answer.

You karnal, know that truth will stop this behaviour, but you also know that truth will destroy islam at the same time.

So you lie snivel and sneak, rather than being honest about the filth in islam.

You prefer the status quo of: infant rape, torture and mass slaughter of human beings, over being honest about islam , because that will also demolish islam at the same time.

How bad does it have to get, before you will be honest karnal?

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #322 - Aug 24th, 2020 at 11:10pm
Honest? So G's a child rapist, is he? Is that what you mean by honesty?

G, a Muslim, is smarter than you, nicer than you, and far more honest than you. As a poster here, he's better than you in every way.

And yet, FD steps over your rancorous bile to pounce on G each and every day. Does that make FD a white supremacist?

Apart from saying so unfair, you haven't said.

What's the matter - cat got your tongue?

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #323 - Aug 25th, 2020 at 9:28am
Karnal wrote on Aug 24th, 2020 at 11:10pm:
Honest? So G's a child rapist, is he? Is that what you mean by honesty?

G, a Muslim, is smarter than you, nicer than you, and far more honest than you. As a poster here, he's better than you in every way.

And yet, FD steps over your rancorous bile to pounce on G each and every day. Does that make FD a white supremacist?

Apart from saying so unfair, you haven't said.

What's the matter - cat got your tongue?

It's the ideology and the jihad in its name.
Direct causation. Not correlation.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #324 - Aug 25th, 2020 at 3:03pm
Honest? So G's a child rapist, is he? Is that what you mean by honesty?

G, a Muslim, is smarter than you, nicer than you, and far more honest than you. As a poster here, he's better than you in every way.

Oh gee such theatricals, a child rapist?

The qur'an causes and motivates infant rape.

Every muslim who supports the qur'an, supports the engendered infant rape.

Do tell us where does G stand on the issue of infant / child rape in islam?

Will G say the qur'an is wrong regarding child rape, will he say muhammad is not the best example?

If he doesn't say that, he supports every single case of infant / child rape carried out by muslims.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #325 - Aug 25th, 2020 at 4:47pm
Frank wrote on Aug 25th, 2020 at 9:28am:
Karnal wrote on Aug 24th, 2020 at 11:10pm:
Honest? So G's a child rapist, is he? Is that what you mean by honesty?

G, a Muslim, is smarter than you, nicer than you, and far more honest than you. As a poster here, he's better than you in every way.

And yet, FD steps over your rancorous bile to pounce on G each and every day. Does that make FD a white supremacist?

Apart from saying so unfair, you haven't said.

What's the matter - cat got your tongue?

It's the ideology and the jihad in its name.
Direct causation. Not correlation.

So G's a dirty child rapist, is he? G's tortures little kids and wants to put the White man in a big cooking pot.

And Moses is a great guy for pointing this out - so superior, so not racist.

At least you don't pretend to be so not racist, old boy. You're post-racist, no?

There you go, FD. You're not supporting white supremacists, you're defending your fellow post-racists.

Direct causation, innit.
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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #326 - Aug 25th, 2020 at 4:51pm
moses wrote on Aug 25th, 2020 at 3:03pm:
Honest? So G's a child rapist, is he? Is that what you mean by honesty?

G, a Muslim, is smarter than you, nicer than you, and far more honest than you. As a poster here, he's better than you in every way.

Oh gee such theatricals, a child rapist?

The qur'an causes and motivates infant rape.

Every muslim who supports the qur'an, supports the engendered infant rape.

Do tell us where does G stand on the issue of infant / child rape in islam?

Will G say the qur'an is wrong regarding child rape, will he say muhammad is not the best example?

If he doesn't say that, he supports every single case of infant / child rape carried out by muslims.

What if G did something nice, Moses? Who should we blame for that?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #327 - Aug 26th, 2020 at 2:42pm
The nicest thing G could say would go along the lines of:

"Because the qur'an causes and motivates thousands of cases of child rapes, innocent people being tortured and murdered, muslims to kill each other, it should be changed.

"All the verses of evil in the qur'an, should be denounced and purged".

Now if G and other muslims were to actually be honest and say these truthful words, islamic terrorism etc. could be brought to a halt, guns bombs and bullets are not the answer, truth is all that's required.

Do you think G wants to stop all the bloodshed and will say these words?

Or is G like you, simply refuses to be honest because honesty will kill islam in a heartbeat, you much prefer the status quo of islamic terrorism, suicide bombers, innocent men women and children being murdered by muslims, over truthfulness which, while stopping all the bloodshed, will also destroy islam?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #328 - Aug 26th, 2020 at 9:19pm
moses wrote on Aug 26th, 2020 at 2:42pm:
The nicest thing G could say would go along the lines of:

"Because the qur'an causes and motivates thousands of cases of child rapes, innocent people being tortured and murdered, muslims to kill each other, it should be changed.

"All the verses of evil in the qur'an, should be denounced and purged".

Now if G and other muslims were to actually be honest and say these truthful words, islamic terrorism etc. could be brought to a halt, guns bombs and bullets are not the answer, truth is all that's required.

Do you think G wants to stop all the bloodshed and will say these words?

Or is G like you, simply refuses to be honest because honesty will kill islam in a heartbeat, you much prefer the status quo of islamic terrorism, suicide bombers, innocent men women and children being murdered by muslims, over truthfulness which, while stopping all the bloodshed, will also destroy islam?

I see. So G has to agree with everything you say or admit to being a dirty child killer. We'll have to run this one past the mods, Moses.

Moderator, what do you think of such a claim? Do you think G's a devious paedophile if he refuses to agree with what Moses just said?

Do you think Muslims and their apologists should decry their friends, family and inferior culture and join Moses on the side of superior skin pigmentation and hatred of the despicable Musel subspecies?

FD wants an answer too, G. A simple yes or no will suffice, please.

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Re: Halal fees and terrorism funding
Reply #329 - Aug 26th, 2020 at 9:33pm
Karnal wrote on Aug 26th, 2020 at 9:19pm:
moses wrote on Aug 26th, 2020 at 2:42pm:
The nicest thing G could say would go along the lines of:

"Because the qur'an causes and motivates thousands of cases of child rapes, innocent people being tortured and murdered, muslims to kill each other, it should be changed.

"All the verses of evil in the qur'an, should be denounced and purged".

Now if G and other muslims were to actually be honest and say these truthful words, islamic terrorism etc. could be brought to a halt, guns bombs and bullets are not the answer, truth is all that's required.

Do you think G wants to stop all the bloodshed and will say these words?

Or is G like you, simply refuses to be honest because honesty will kill islam in a heartbeat, you much prefer the status quo of islamic terrorism, suicide bombers, innocent men women and children being murdered by muslims, over truthfulness which, while stopping all the bloodshed, will also destroy islam?

What, you think G has to agree with everything you say or he's a dirty child killer?

We'll have to run this past the mods, Moses.

Moderator, what do you think of such a claim? Do you think G's a dirty, devious paedophile if he refuses to agree with what Moses just said?

Do you think Muslims and their apologists should decry their friends, family and inferior culture and join Moses on the side of superior skin pigmentation and hatred of the despicable Musel subspecies?

FD too wants an answer. A simple yes or no will suffice.

Muslims fund jihad. Muslims fund jihad in clandestine/ illegal ways. Many Muslim  charities are fronts for jihadi funding. Muslim charity IS jihad.

There is no evidence that Muslims have processes to bar halal certification income from being chanelled to jihad.

Some unknown proportion of halal certification, as of muslim charity funds, IS funding terrorism, aka jihad. Jihad in kuffar lands IS terrorism.

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