@ karnal
Quote:I see. So G has to agree with everything you say or admit to being a dirty child killer. We'll have to run this one past the mods, Moses.
Moderator, what do you think of such a claim? Do you think G's a devious paedophile if he refuses to agree with what Moses just said?
Do you think Muslims and their apologists should decry their friends, family and inferior culture and join Moses on the side of superior skin pigmentation and hatred of the despicable Musel subspecies?
FD wants an answer too, G. A simple yes or no will suffice, please.
Oh the fallacious melodramatics karnal.
Are you too dumb to know the difference between a supporter and a perpetrator?
There are 26 football layers on a field and 50000 supporters in the stands (got the difference?)
There are thousands of muslim rapists torturers and mass murderers who cite the qur'an as their cause and motivation, there are millions of muslims who revere and support the qur'an as being unchangeable and infallible, they by definition revere and support the engendered rape torture and mass slaughter.
G can tell us where he stands. Does he support the qur'an as it is right now, causing and motivating thousands of rapes, tortures and mass salughters, or does he support the evil in the qur'an being denounced and purged, in order to stop all the human rights atrocities being committed by muslims who are following the qur'an?