freediver wrote on Aug 19
th, 2020 at 5:48pm:
Let's try one question at a time.
I tried that FD. Repeatedly. And still you ran away from all my questions. Every time.
Quote:Does Islam compel you to automatically assume the best about your fellow Muslims?
Now shall I start posting all my
actual questions that you've been running away from this whole thread one at a time like a grinning idiot?
Well just for fun, here's another question for you to run away from:
When I assert that ozpolitic revenues, FD's spear fishing club's funds and halal certifier's fees alike send zero funds to terrorists when there is no shred of evidence presented to me indicating otherwse - why is that somehow only about Islam compelling me to assume the best about my fellow muslims?
You are not muslim. And neither is your spear fishing club I'm guessing.
Doesn't your pathetic little slur become a little nonsensical when I actually apply the same principle consistently across the board - muslim and non-muslim?
I think one of the previous Muslims we had here said that Islam does compel him to assume the best of his fellow Muslims. He didn't think it was a slur.