Frank wrote on Sep 15
th, 2020 at 6:35pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 15
th, 2020 at 1:29pm:
Frank wrote on Sep 14
th, 2020 at 7:09pm:
All terrorist are jihadis.
All charity is jihad.
This does not mean that all charities are terrorists.
You've lost me Frank.
Now you are saying not all charities are terrorists. How does that validate your assertion that halal certifiers must be sending at least some of their money to terrorists? Haven't you just opened up the possibility that they don't?
Do kosher certification bodies send money to Jewish causes? Of course, naturally. The only difference is that Jewish causes are not illegal, like Islamic terrorism is.
Not to mention that you, a Muslim, don't think that Muslims 'fighting back' is terrorism. Paying Palestinian 'martyrs' families come under terrorism funding? Yes.
Foreign aid to the PA is funding terrorism, why wouldn't halal certification? So if any money from hahal certification is sent to the Palestinian Authority, it is money funding terrorism.
And the PA is not the only shady outfit saddling the borders of legitimacy and terrorist organisation.
In your narrow, prejudicial mind I suppose this is perfectly logical.
It can only be achieved by assuming that 100% of muslims not only have sinister intentions, but fully intend to actively engage in real illegal activities (where possible).
You are seemingly incapable of recognising halal certification - or hell, lets just insert whatever revenue-generating activity engaged by muslims you like - for the simple thing that it is: business and enterprise. You know, that thing that our whole capitalistic society is largely built upon.
Is there anything special about halal certifiers that makes the especially guilty compared to other muslim-run businesses? Well you certainly haven't said. Presumably then they are just as guilty as Ahmed running his butcher shop in Lakemba, or the Turkish Pide house two blocks down. Are you going to run the same muslims = charity giver = misconstrued notion of 'charity' = sneaky, devious = THEREFORE TERRORIST FUNDER!! - schtick for them? Why not? They are no different in your mind. Hell, throw me in too - I earn money, I'm a muslim, I give to charity - THEREFORE GANDALF THE TERRORIST FUNDER!! I mean why the hell not - your template of "what halal certifiers do" is just the most blatant stereotype of the universal sinister muslim - applicable to literally any muslim you like.
Or are you going to attempt an actual argument for why halal certifiers, specifically, are necessarily an open-shut guilty case of terrorist funders? (and I'm generously assuming you don't actually believe the claptrap you insinuate that 100% of muslims fund terrorism)