Cut clitorises out of little girls? Yes.
Rape little girls with forced child marriages? Yes.
Are the worlds' greatest terrorist threat? Yes.
Kill their kids with trauma from their wars famine and refugee flight? Yes.
Kill their women folk with honour killings? Yes.
Are the globes almost insurmountable refugee problem? Yes.
Are waging genocide against the Christians in Africa? Yes.
Use stealth and deceit to fund terrorism? Yes.
Carry out terrorist attacks against the non believers in non muslim countries? Yes.
Use some halal fees to fund terrorism? Absolutely not, never ever will halal funding go towards terrorism, there is no way muslims will ever use halal fees for terrorism!!!!
And a five six seven eight:

pigs are going to fly tomorrow

cows are gunna jump over the moon

dishes will run away with all the spoons

the sun will rise in the west

cos allah knows best