greggerypeccary wrote on May 6
th, 2020 at 2:18pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on May 6
th, 2020 at 2:07pm:
It's like being in high school again...
All the people who think they're tough are trying to bully the smart kids by calling them bed wetters haha...
I guess some people will always be weak little children at heart.
And some "men" will always be threatened by strong women in positions of power.
its not "threatened", its more "what will be the new reality of having women in positions of power"?
men value competance in other men above all other things.
you can say that this valuing of competance gets 'corrupted' into tyrannical rule and fair enough, but getting back to basics.
whether its a company, a building site, a sporting team, an army or a political leadership group , men at their core have competance as the gold standard.
women value compassion above all other things.
its biologically wired into them , because an infant is "always right' and the right response to an infant is ALWAYS to have compassion towards it.
in a sense, no matter what an infant does, the female must love it and treat it as the utmost priority.
women in power , bring that core set of biological pre suppositions.
they have a lot of trouble with any "group" that is wailing and crying like an infant in not falling into unconditional love.
but there is a time in all structures for conditional love and for the masculine assessment of those not doing well to
"clean your act up"
"get your act together'
"learn to stand up and take some responsibility and make your way in the world"
if we look at covid, the masculine would say "take personal responsibility. its on YOU to wash your hands, wear a mask, socially distance, assess your risks , keep yourself informed".
the feminine response to covid is that the population is like little children .
"dont go out, be safe. make yourself small, follow the rules , we will keep you in this cocoon and we will tell you when you can venture out".
theres no freedom in that
theres no personal growth in that
there is only infantilisation and oedipal smothering .
and when the child rebels and goes to the beach, there is the call to authoritarian masculine to impose the will of the "evil queen"
"officer arrest those people " they did not follow mummys rules.
"just wait til your father gets home "