Jasin wrote on May 5
th, 2020 at 10:19pm:
Didn't know that the USA was an 'Empire' in the first place.
1st place belongs to Politics in the USA with 'Military' in 2nd Place.
Kings rule Entertainment like the Master of Ceremonies that they are (with the Court Jester to humble them).
Emperors rule Empires and all things Military and that belongs to the Middle-East.
USA is just a Sheriff, Cop, Judge, etc... not really a Soldier, General, Emperor, etc.
As for the 'Fall'? Well, the USA has been 'Falling' since it fled from the problems of Europe centuries ago.
Stating the obvious 'culture' here aren't we?
I think historians would consider America an empire, just as republican Rome was an empire.
She has used military force to take the terriorty of other nations and empires outright, Spanish American and Mexican wars for instance, let alone the Indian wars and after World War Two has used military force and power, or threat there off to often force other nations to do what she wishes, including force to overthrow governments. Even elected ones.
Some times she uses her power for good, some times not, but she does use raw power when in her interests all over the globe which makes her an empire in my book.