Gordon wrote on May 29
th, 2020 at 3:10pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 29
th, 2020 at 2:43pm:
Gordon wrote on May 29
th, 2020 at 12:41pm:
More for Graps. Once again, Brian can go to his favorite CCP approved supplier of cream of sum yung gai.
Unrestricted Warfare (simplified Chinese: 超限战; traditional Chinese: 超限戰; lit.: 'warfare beyond bounds') is a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People's Liberation Army, Qiao Liang (乔良) and Wang Xiangsui (王湘穗).[1] Its primary concern is how a nation such as China can defeat a technologically superior opponent (such as the United States) through a variety of means. Rather than focusing on direct military confrontation, this book instead examines a variety of other means.[2][3][4] Such means include using International Law (see Lawfare) and a variety of economic means to place one's opponent in a bad position and circumvent the need for direct military action.[5][6][7][8]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unrestricted_Warfare Indeed - we've been watching it unfold for some years now, and being copied by such wonderful movements as 'feminism' and all the other White Ants in our society and nation.
One of DKs conclusions, and I agree is there won't be a full scale war with China, just a fair bit of argy bargy around the edges.
Even a full scale assault of Taiwan is unlikely because if they fail (which is a big possibility) an internal revolution would follow.
The worst case scenario is if internal tensions in China threaten the CCPs existence, they will go the full retard because they have nothing to lose.
Mass roundups of 'dissidents' and 'economic bandits' and 'reactionaries'.... occupation of Hong Kong and roundups there... a little social cleansing never hurt nobody...
The CCP has been bought, whether it likes it or not, with silver bullets via their 'entitlement'™ to earn billions from their 'service'™ to the Party and The People and The Republic, so for all their drum-beating over Taiwan and their sabre-rattling they will not really risk war, but will focus on cleansing their own backyard, in which case, it is a matter of national sovereignty and nobody is entitled to intervene....
In the long run, for the Chinese people, far better for hostilities to break out... sad, innit?