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The Corona Depression (Read 1007 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #15 - Jun 8th, 2020 at 4:54pm
Bobby. wrote on Jun 6th, 2020 at 1:32pm:
According to Benny Hinn - Jesus is just about to come back
as this is the End Times.

Jump to 22:00

The Light said that too, Bobby. Not all would notice it.
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Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #16 - Jun 8th, 2020 at 4:59pm
Karnal wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 4:51pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jun 6th, 2020 at 6:22am:
whilst a bad case of the sniffles is unpleasant, it appears the fallout for many people will be devestating.

the most intelligent man in economics, warren buffett has been selling stocks for the last 3 months.
normally a guy who says not to hold too much in cash, he has sold nearly 100 billion in US securities and parked it all in tresury bonds.


yuval noah harare, best selling author of sapiens has said that the west in particular was on the brink of the AI and robotics wholesale destruction of jobs and that this crisis has thrown enormous ammounts of fuel on that fire.

he estimates that of the 30 % of employees worldwide whose jobs have been tempoararily lost, less then 1/2 will get them back long term.

companies are broke and they will not re employ and this will drive job replacement of expensive humans with cheaper robotics and AI.

this will be devestating in the west but catastrophic in the third world.

possibly 20 % unemployment in australia but places like south east asia will see levels much higher as the west has no cash to buy products and their governments have no income to pay welfare.

places like nigeria , kenya and ethiopia which were seeing cash from china will see that dry up as china withdraws and there will be massive refugee crisis and migration.

bangladesh, pakistan and india will follow.

housing prices could collapse, runs on banks, sharemarkets trashed, super accounts demolished.

australia with no tourism, no manufacturing, expensiver healthcare and ongoing costs for protecting the elderly will see standards of care and welfare massively reduced.

your fridge full of food and your free public hospital full of expensive technology are all contingent on a vibrant economy which the cowardice of world leaders has now demolished.

interest rates are at zero so there is no way to spend our way out of this.
people cant borrow and invest when they dont have a fridge full of food.

own goal

pain ahead for fat steve and the unthinking masses who thought they could
stay safe in their houses and keep prospering because,because

well just because.

i'd advice people to develop a lot of resilience very quickly.
the days of pleasuring yourselves are over

Mr Trump's saying the opposite, Aquascoot. He's comparing the virus to a hurricane or natural disaster. A couple of months and everything will be back to normal, America booming again.

If you beg to differ, dear, that's FAKE NEWS.


you and i are agreed on one thing

trump is a bullshitter

and this is a case in point.

i dont mind that he is because i think trump would admit it to himself and to his close associates.

i do mind that lefties are bullshitters (which they are) because they would never have the self awareness to admit it to anyone, least of all themselves
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96720
Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #17 - Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:09pm
aquascoot wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 4:59pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 4:51pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jun 6th, 2020 at 6:22am:
whilst a bad case of the sniffles is unpleasant, it appears the fallout for many people will be devestating.

the most intelligent man in economics, warren buffett has been selling stocks for the last 3 months.
normally a guy who says not to hold too much in cash, he has sold nearly 100 billion in US securities and parked it all in tresury bonds.


yuval noah harare, best selling author of sapiens has said that the west in particular was on the brink of the AI and robotics wholesale destruction of jobs and that this crisis has thrown enormous ammounts of fuel on that fire.

he estimates that of the 30 % of employees worldwide whose jobs have been tempoararily lost, less then 1/2 will get them back long term.

companies are broke and they will not re employ and this will drive job replacement of expensive humans with cheaper robotics and AI.

this will be devestating in the west but catastrophic in the third world.

possibly 20 % unemployment in australia but places like south east asia will see levels much higher as the west has no cash to buy products and their governments have no income to pay welfare.

places like nigeria , kenya and ethiopia which were seeing cash from china will see that dry up as china withdraws and there will be massive refugee crisis and migration.

bangladesh, pakistan and india will follow.

housing prices could collapse, runs on banks, sharemarkets trashed, super accounts demolished.

australia with no tourism, no manufacturing, expensiver healthcare and ongoing costs for protecting the elderly will see standards of care and welfare massively reduced.

your fridge full of food and your free public hospital full of expensive technology are all contingent on a vibrant economy which the cowardice of world leaders has now demolished.

interest rates are at zero so there is no way to spend our way out of this.
people cant borrow and invest when they dont have a fridge full of food.

own goal

pain ahead for fat steve and the unthinking masses who thought they could
stay safe in their houses and keep prospering because,because

well just because.

i'd advice people to develop a lot of resilience very quickly.
the days of pleasuring yourselves are over

Mr Trump's saying the opposite, Aquascoot. He's comparing the virus to a hurricane or natural disaster. A couple of months and everything will be back to normal, America booming again.

If you beg to differ, dear, that's FAKE NEWS.


you and i are agreed on one thing

trump is a bullshitter

and this is a case in point.

i dont mind that he is because i think trump would admit it to himself and to his close associates.

i do mind that lefties are bullshitters (which they are) because they would never have the self awareness to admit it to anyone, least of all themselves

I see. So rather than plan for the depression as the Superior Man would do, Mr Trump just bullshits.

And all over the world people look at him and wonder how he could possibly be saying that. Everybody knows it's bullshit. This is a depression as you yourself point out. You think it's imperative that we get the word out. You're bouncing out of bed with a plan.

So why would you support a chief of bullshitartistry?

I'm curious. You agree with him even when you disagree with him.

Do you think it's a smart move?
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Australian Politics

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Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #18 - Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:18pm
Karnal wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:09pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 4:59pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 4:51pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jun 6th, 2020 at 6:22am:
whilst a bad case of the sniffles is unpleasant, it appears the fallout for many people will be devestating.

the most intelligent man in economics, warren buffett has been selling stocks for the last 3 months.
normally a guy who says not to hold too much in cash, he has sold nearly 100 billion in US securities and parked it all in tresury bonds.


yuval noah harare, best selling author of sapiens has said that the west in particular was on the brink of the AI and robotics wholesale destruction of jobs and that this crisis has thrown enormous ammounts of fuel on that fire.

he estimates that of the 30 % of employees worldwide whose jobs have been tempoararily lost, less then 1/2 will get them back long term.

companies are broke and they will not re employ and this will drive job replacement of expensive humans with cheaper robotics and AI.

this will be devestating in the west but catastrophic in the third world.

possibly 20 % unemployment in australia but places like south east asia will see levels much higher as the west has no cash to buy products and their governments have no income to pay welfare.

places like nigeria , kenya and ethiopia which were seeing cash from china will see that dry up as china withdraws and there will be massive refugee crisis and migration.

bangladesh, pakistan and india will follow.

housing prices could collapse, runs on banks, sharemarkets trashed, super accounts demolished.

australia with no tourism, no manufacturing, expensiver healthcare and ongoing costs for protecting the elderly will see standards of care and welfare massively reduced.

your fridge full of food and your free public hospital full of expensive technology are all contingent on a vibrant economy which the cowardice of world leaders has now demolished.

interest rates are at zero so there is no way to spend our way out of this.
people cant borrow and invest when they dont have a fridge full of food.

own goal

pain ahead for fat steve and the unthinking masses who thought they could
stay safe in their houses and keep prospering because,because

well just because.

i'd advice people to develop a lot of resilience very quickly.
the days of pleasuring yourselves are over

Mr Trump's saying the opposite, Aquascoot. He's comparing the virus to a hurricane or natural disaster. A couple of months and everything will be back to normal, America booming again.

If you beg to differ, dear, that's FAKE NEWS.


you and i are agreed on one thing

trump is a bullshitter

and this is a case in point.

i dont mind that he is because i think trump would admit it to himself and to his close associates.

i do mind that lefties are bullshitters (which they are) because they would never have the self awareness to admit it to anyone, least of all themselves

I see. So rather than plan for the depression as the Superior Man would do, Mr Trump just bullshits.

And all over the world people look at him and wonder how he could possibly be saying that. This is a depression as you yourself point out. You think it's imperative that we get the word out. You're bouncing out of bed with a plan.

So why would you support a chief of bullshitartistry?

I'm curious. You agree with him even when you disagree with him.

Do you think it's a smart move?

i think that the most important thing is to be "paying attention".

if you were paying attention, you would know donny is an entertainer.

i heard him talking about floyd,
he was talking about angels and all sorts of stuff.
donny just confabulates
its very very entertaining because you never know where he is going to go.
as dostevsky wrote in "notes from underground"
we are meant to have interesting and unusual things happen.
people will be bored out of their skull with Joe.
they like weird
they like bullshit
have a look at you netflix feed
wall to wall weird.
ice addicted gay tiger keepers who charter choppers to try to drop grenades on other tiger rating drama

donny knows his people
he understands paretto.

heres your paretto example for the day.

since covid, harvards pressure for admission has gone up
its fees have gone up
it has an endowment of 50 billion.

measnwhile 1/2 of the universities in the middle of the american system are close to filing for bankruptcy

to those who know the rest.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 96720
Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #19 - Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:25pm
Why can't Donny tell the truth in an entertaining way? He could put two rival teams in the White House against each other, for example. One could be all doom and gloom and planning for the worst, the other could be cheerful "go-getters", pretending everything's fab.

Mr Trump can then fire the losing team. What do you say?
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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #20 - Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:30pm
Karnal wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:25pm:
Why can't Donny tell the truth in an entertaining way? He could put two rival teams in the White House against each other, for example. One could be all doom and gloom and planning for the worst, the other could be cheerful "go-getters", pretending everything's fab.

Mr Trump can then fire the losing team. What do you say?

well i like that idea.

i would like to see him do a reality tv show from the white house.
it could help with the budget deficit
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96720
Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #21 - Jun 8th, 2020 at 10:43pm
aquascoot wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:30pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 8th, 2020 at 5:25pm:
Why can't Donny tell the truth in an entertaining way? He could put two rival teams in the White House against each other, for example. One could be all doom and gloom and planning for the worst, the other could be cheerful "go-getters", pretending everything's fab.

Mr Trump can then fire the losing team. What do you say?

well i like that idea.

i would like to see him do a reality tv show from the white house.
it could help with the budget deficit

Me too, but it's already happening. The smart ones either quit or get fired. The only ones left are Jared, Ivanka and a host of sychophants. I see that Hope Hicks has come back.

It's most entertaining, but what do you call a game where a free-trading "noble capitalist" like Gary Cohn leaves in disgust? How do you play a game where even rusted-on Republican generals like Mattis call out the lies, after also quitting in disgust, but remaining silent for so long? John Bolton is about to publish a tell-all book, and he's Republican Establishment - as far back as Nixon.

It's like former Apprentice contestants appearing on the talk shows and talkback radio after they're booted. They talk. Every time Donny steps down from the podium and confides in an advisor what a whopping porkie he just told, it's being remembered and recorded. Inevitably, that story gets told.

This is unprecedented. People didn't leak like this in former administrations. Donny is able to alienate his cabinet so well, they all end up turning on him. They all go through the baptism first: months of tolerating utter stupidity at the highest level of global leadership. They all reach the point of betrayal and have to struggle with their own consciences.

For Cohn, it was the trade war against China. He tolerated Donny's praise for neo-Nazis and nearly destroyed his reputation for hanging in there.

For Mattis it was betraying the Kurds. He tolerated Donny's military stunts like sending 40,000 troops to "defend" the southern border during the mid-term erections. He went on to write a book about his time in Donny's cabinet. He didn't say anything negative at all.

Bolton will not do the same. His book will tell all. He too maintained his silence through the impeachment trials, but no more.

The "superior man" can't stay silent for good, dear. He must inevitably spill the beans.

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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: The Corona Depression
Reply #22 - Jun 9th, 2020 at 7:03am
No no no no no you are missing the point

Trump is an entrepreneur
what does an entrepreneur love more than anything else

Absolute market chaos
The demolition of the existing structures

Chaos to the entrepreneur is nothing but opportunity

This is where I feel you and Gregory have Donald completely wrong
You think he is a coward who is sitting in the White House shaking at all this drama unfolding

Nothing could be further from the truth

The inferior man the public servant the person on welfare
The person who just accepts a lame job with a boss he does not like

Those guys are addicted to the paycheck
The idea of going out and confronting chaos terrifies them

Think about this seriously
Think about it for about 2 weeks

Trump has never gone after a paycheck in his life
That's not how a person like Donald operates

It's the fact that he is always having to bounce out of bed
And manifest money
Out of the ether

it gives him a completely different mindset which probably you can't understand

Read all the business books by the great entrepreneurs
And understand just how invigorating they find turmoil and chaos

You think Donald is scared of the turmoil and chaos
I think he loves it

I think he deliberately creates it
I think he uses it as a method to demolish is opposition
I think it's a smart move
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