So New Zealand took the honours here... Or did they?
They were beaten to the top spot by another(and discounting those places like Tonga and Samoa that never recorded a single case)... Montenegro, for example... Second? Nup... That'd be Eritrea, then Timor-Leste, then Fiji, then Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Seychelles, Papua-New Guinea and... wait for it... The Holy See...
So in this nine horse race NZ came in.. Ninth...
So, no gold for NZ, then?
But hang on a mo... A couple of things...
The CCP, having let millions of infected Chinese leave China, (a) where did they go and (b) where did they go in large numbers?
I'm guessing there weren't too many queuing for visas to Montenegro, Eritrea, Timor-Leste, Fiji, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Seychelles, Papua-New Guinea and the Holy See... Nice places, but I'd bet Chinese travelers aren't the kind of tourists who sit by pools pissing their way through 10 pints of Pina Coladas... Or feeling the urge to pray to Catholic Christ at St Peters
So where did they go in large numbers?... What's the bet... Europe (particularly Northern Italy and France), the UK, Iran and the USA... Top four... What attracted them to Brazil is a bit of an unknown (Mardi Gras??)
Australia and New Zealand got a smack in the mouth (if we exclude the floating pus-bags - the cruise liners), but they came in large enough numbers to give us a thump.
As for Russia and India (no doubt not the sojourn of choice for your average Chinese traveller...Your bad Russia and India for living too close to the CCP's quarter (trillion) acres...