freediver wrote on Jun 29
th, 2020 at 8:58pm:
Quote:You're wasting you money on vitamins .... we lead lives of excess not lack.
Excess of calories. Not necessarily excess of vitamins.
Excess of empty calories at that.
BTW, minerals are lacking/depleted in soil, hence minerals are lacking in our diet.
I recall they used to do a vitamin count on a fruit basket periodically in the 90s, and comparing it with previous fruit and veges tested.
It showed how vitamin C , for instance, was becoming depleted in the fruit.
What’s our fruit and veges like with vitamin count of late?
I had a blood test from Doc, and found I was low in vitamin D which isn’t all surprising since I live in a state that’s cold for 9 months of the year, so vitamin D was recommended I take from the Doctor.
When I was pregnant, by 5 months I became pale looking, and very tired.
Obstetrician did blood test to find I was very low in iron and prescribed iron tablets, then did a further blood test and found the iron had risen, which meant I didn’t feel as tired.
There’s 2 of my own examples why vitamins are not a scam or nonsense.
And I find out, people with cancer, are severely lacking vitamin C.... either the lack of vitamin C is a contributing factor that could lead to cancer, or the cancer causes a depletion off vitamin C within the body.
Not forgetting how sailors in the olde days of tall sailing ships suffered and died from scurvy, only to find later that Vitamin C ...cured scurvy. 👍