Pedro Curevo wrote on Jun 16
th, 2020 at 8:16am:
Australia’s Grand and Glorious Prime Minister, Scotty from Marketing, has been on the radio slamming anyone who attended the Black Lives Matter protests.
He’s saying no one there cared about social distancing (and by extension their fellow Australians). He’s saying everyone there was just there for themselves, with no concern for the 432 Indigenous deaths in custody that have occurred since 1991.
In light of Scott Morrison’s comments, I thought I might just highlight a few instances where the Prime Minister was less than careful about social distancing measures, and less than careful about the lives of Australians he pretends to be so “concerned” for. Here they are;
1. On the weekend Coronavirus first erupted in Australia, Scott Morrison let a 5000 person Christian fundamentalist conference go ahead. He did this against the direct advice of health officials, and the decision was most likely driven by his extremist religious beliefs. Scott Morrison didn’t care about social distancing then.
2. On the same exact weekend around two months back, Scott Morrison also let rugby league matches go ahead. Hundreds of thousands attended. Scott Morrison let these massive events go ahead against the direct advice of health officials, with this decision coming from no apparent or obvious place. Scott Morrison didn’t care about social distancing then either.
3. Scott Morrison pressured premiers across Australia to return schools early, around one month ago. This was against the direct advice of health officials and teachers unions. Since the return of schooling across Australia, there has been no directive to socially distance in schools (not that you can enforce such a directive anyway). Kids have been tackling each other, in frequent close contact, and spreading germs. Scott Morrison wasn’t that concerned about social distancing at that stage either.
4. On the exact same day of the protests, the North Shore Markets were hosted in Sydney. These markets saw thousands of people moving around in close proximity, with no face masks and no social distancing. Our caring Prime Minister couldn’t care less about that.
5. Bars and clubs were open across Sydney on the weekend of the protests. Social distancing directives were barely obeyed in many bars and clubs, but Scott Morrison made no mention of this. He still didn’t care.
6. The Sydney CBD Westfield was open on the day of the protests. Thousands of people were there, and none of them were social distancing. Scott Morrison has avoided criticism of anyone shopping at the Sydney Westfield on that day: Scott likes shoppers, as a marketing man is inclined to, so he didn’t care about that either.
7. The only large group of people not wearing facemasks at the protests were the police. For some reason or another, Scott Morrison has refused to criticise them. Scott Morrison dosen’t care if police don’t take correct sanitary measures.
Now, not to be cynical, but is it possible Scott Morrison’s “moral outrage” (which he expressed on the radio today) is somewhat fake? Is it possible the Prime Minister is pretending to be “morally concerned” when he realistically dosen’t care less? Call it what you want and call people who protested what you want, but I can’t really take Scott Morrison’s “moral concern” that seriously. And I don’t think any other young Australians should either.
It will be a cold day in Hell before I take a moral lecture from the man who holidayed in Hawaii when his country burned.
Well who gives a farque whether you do or not ....
the BLM protests should have been stomped on & stomped on hard.
All those who made sacrifices & worked on the frontlines have been treated with contempt by the morons who attended.
The BLM movement is based on a leftist lie & runs on a premise that is hugely contrary to the statistics.
And all the businesses & sporting associations supporting it & taking the knee for a criminal thug like George Floyd are just virtue signalling morons like the BLM protesters.
Seems the same cap fits you.