Sophia wrote on Jul 2
nd, 2020 at 12:02pm:
Meant to say, if doctors prescribe vitamin B, which one as there are various vitamin B and for different symptoms.
There are numbers after the letter B.
As for statins you mentioned, Greg, I would love to know what your experience or knowledge is about it. I’ve heard much of it, and read that if one had a stroke in life, should never take statins. I challenged doctors on this, and they say it’s supposed to avoid strokes, yet my mum who was doing so well had her prescription changed from 3 medications to 6 medications, with a different cholesterol statin medicine, ended up with a huge stroke, half paralysed, unable to talk drink or eat, 8 days later r.i.p.
Another time they changed her medication, it gave her pains in the chest, headaches and dizziness.
I can’t remember the name of it now, but I checked it out online, and was banned in the USA, with class action law suites. This cholesterol medication caused premature death. Big issue about statins here.
So I told her to stop taking it and go back to old medication.
She said it cost her $120 and was a new one from the USA.
I was stunned at the campaign for it.
She did stop taking it and her pain and dizziness stopped.
We must have an approach to look into everything we are going to put into our humanly bodies and it’s probable effects.
Your body tells you, we need to listen to it more.
I have no medical training whatsoever, and this is only my personal opinion, but I would never take a statin again.
The side effects were horrible - aches and pains, tiredness, cramps, diarrhea, blurred vision, etc.
And, they did very little in the way of lowering my cholesterol.
I ended up getting a coronary calcium score done, which turned out to be zero (the best score you can get).
When I went for a second opinion I was told that it's madness for someone with such a low coronary calcium score to be taking statins.
Doctors love to push them though, as they get kickbacks from the drug companies.
HOWEVER, for some people they
can be beneficial, so don't do anything based on my opinion.
Seek professional advice, and then get a 2nd and 3rd opinion.