Bobby. wrote on Jul 16
th, 2020 at 1:08pm:
Valkie wrote on Jul 16
th, 2020 at 12:52pm:
But it's very important for all the white sychophants to get together to protest about a fake issue.
Less blacks than whites die in custody.
More blacks die by their own hands or their own people and by whites.
The only persecution blacks have in Australia is when they are asked to actually ....WORK
Which is the same thing as asking a white person to murder their family.
After much research,
I find that the darker the skin, the more predisposed to Lazyness.
No matter what country you look in, the blacks generally represent, as a percentage of their population, abnormally high unemployment.
Additionally, this is usually coupled with a high propensity to crime, do say is violence, violent behaviour and stupidity.
Pick any country and prove otherwise?
You can't.
Adversely, whites are more likely to be employed
Have a considerably lower, by percentage of population, Unemployment.
Whites also have more legally o trained money, homes and property.
All EARNED through hard work and sensible spending.
This is known as WHITE PREVILEDGE .
Blacks have a lazy gene
Whites generally don't have that gene, unless mixed with black.
But what about Tiger Woods and Obama?
Mixing genes with black and white made stronger, smarter progeny.
Yes, but there is still that lazy gene.
What politician ever did a hard day's WORK?
Tiger woods, playing golf, that's relaxation to a white.
Most American black rich are usually sports people, good at running, from running from crimes.
But again, very few had done any real work.
In the 47 years I have worked, I have seen perhaps a handful of black workers.
Of them a small percentage would actually last a few months or a year or two.
Yep black gene, lazy