Pedro Curevo wrote on Jun 16
th, 2020 at 8:14pm:
Quote:Well who gives a farque whether you do or not ....
the BLM protests should have been stomped on & stomped on hard.
All those who made sacrifices & worked on the frontlines have been treated with contempt by the morons who attended.
The BLM movement is based on a leftist lie & runs on a premise that is hugely contrary to the statistics.
And all the businesses & sporting associations supporting it & taking the knee for a criminal thug like George Floyd are just virtue signalling morons like the BLM protesters.
Seems the same cap fits you.
Police acting
like a law unto themselves that ends with lives lost is not a lie, its why people are protesting.
Notwithstanding the fact police are murdering all races including unarmed women who called the police.
the police system particularly in the US is broken.Trump will be holding big rallies and has pushed for Churches to open with crowds, memorial day free to open with crowds yet its only the BLM that gets the heavy criticism from the RW ...what does that tell you...democracy and freedom is one sided in their opinion and minds..
Yes it is a lie.
Clearly it is the communities that are more broken? Decades of poor political policies chasing votes & then not delivering. The destruction of the family unit, fatherless children, 94% of all homicide is black on black.....
the stats prove BLM is a lie. The name is racist itself.
The BLM protests & the rioting, looting, assaults & murders of black police officers & business owners were all before the regulations were lifted.
BLM, ANITFA & the leftist/liberals/democrats supporting this nonsense are as far from representing freedom & democracy as you can get ...neo-Faciscists - cultural marxists....
all hell bent on tearing down western culture & democracy via violence & anarchy.
Statistics prove it's all bullshyte but nongs like you & all of them need to have hearing tests ... because you won't hear, won't have a bar of the truth because it does not fit the agenda & mind set.