27 new cases yesterday. 25 of them in VIC. Wikipedia gives a breakdown of new cases by state:
You need to click on "show" beside "Cumulative confirmed cases by state, territory & nationally", which is just above the daily number of new cases for the whole country.
This gives the same info for other countries:
Total new cases since June 6 by state:
NSW: 34
VIC: 136
QLD: 5
WA: 5
SA: 0
TAS: 0
ACT: 1
NT: 0
There is a clear increase in the rate of infections since June 6 in NSW and VIC - the only states with enough virus getting round to give a clear indication of increase or decrease. There is plot similar to the google one of new cases by day for each state.
The total number of active cases across the country is trending up since June 14.
The page also lists active clusters. The last new case from a known cluster in the table is June 17.
There is also a table with a breakdown by source of infection, however it is not separated by date. About 2/3 of total cases are from overseas, which is a good sign.
Quote:Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has flagged the possibility of a return to square one of coronavirus restrictions - but only for areas worst hit by COVID-19.
The state on Saturday recorded 25 new cases in only 24 hours, the highest daily rise in more than two months.
Of those, all but one are believed to be acquired within the community.
He says if the restrictions aren’t followed to a tee, draconian lockdown measures for local government areas with the highest rates of community transmission could be reintroduced.
As of now, those areas are Hume with 17 cases of community transmission, Brimbank with 10 and Casey with seven.
Of Victoria’s new cases, 14 are linked to known clusters, six were identified through routine testing, four are under investigation and one was in a recently returned traveller in hotel quarantine.
The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 20
th, 2020 at 11:31am:
It's now been 2 weeks since the protests and the only state to have had an increase in cases is Victoria.
The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 20
th, 2020 at 11:31am:
All of them have been linked to returned overseas travelers and known clusters.
I guess the stats speak for themselves
Also incorrect. The overseas thing does not seem to be significant for the recent cases. No idea where you got the 'known clusters' claim from.