Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 23
rd, 2020 at 8:27am:
In retrospect, Rudd showing the belly was not a good thing in the long run... just inspired them to demand more and more. Should've learned that from the 'feminists'.. give 'em an inch and they take an entire state... and every other -ist learned from them how it's done.
Appeasement hasn't worked yet and never will... sometimes the field of freedom must be fertilised with blood... sad but true - while we of the West spent hundreds of years becoming more 'civilised', lesser cultures view this as weakness (and showing the belly) and thus take advantage at every opportunity.
Time to cut the ties to mother's apron and make them make their own way as equals... sink or swim on your own merits and devices... if you prefer to substance it up and wind up in prison repeatedly - your choice - choice-mobile, son - that's what it's all about.
I can see where some aborigines are going with their claims involving Black Lives Matter.
They are concerned that they are going to be an endangered racial group on this continent. It is their last hurrah to make a name for themselves in marking history as defenders of their own race.
And as much as I would like to see indigenous people make their own way in the world and endure the hard life that the rest of Australians have to do, we might have crossed the point where reconciliation can take place in Australia -- at least for a while. It seems that the majority of Australians are making allowances and giving privileges towards indigenous people for the sake of not wanting to look like outsiders/colonisers.
The indigenous people know that they have Australians (of non-aboriginal ethnicity) by the testicles since the 1970s. Aborigines can play that "poor bugger me" attitude and try and get as much international support as they can among recently decolonised nearby regional countries. I can only imagine that the Chinese might be in talks to fund some kind of unrest among the indigenous extremists in Australia.
It would take a real global shift back in favour of the Western nations (and the United States) before we can see our western ideals be reinstated as the best cultural background to emulate. Aboriginal cultures and customs can be continued by the adherents. Aboriginal cultures and customs can be recorded to print, audio, and video media. But, the aboriginal culture really has no values that can be helpful to the modern Australian society. Indigenous people should join the rest of Australian for a common cause rather than get in the way.
Well they had better stop marrying/partnering & having children outside their race don't you think?
You do realise that there has been a huge increase in the population of Aboriginals, TIs & those who identify as such in the past 20 years?
Endangered my eye ....
1999 pop. was 418,800
2020 pop. 798,365