Richdude wrote on Jun 26
th, 2020 at 12:24am:
When I go to a Trump rally, I see people who share the same values. Not race!
Strong borders, a better future, beneficial trade deals, more prosperity, smashing fake news, resurrecting the middle class, keep us all strong, following the constitution, adults ..........
Who in their right mind wouldn't share those values?
But Trump isn't delivering on those...
Strong borders: He's only built twice as much new wall on the southern border as he did fence around the White House during the protests. The only real thing he's done to stop people wanting to come to the US illegally is let COVID-19 run wild and make it a less attractive choice.
A better future: Look at his handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic, you can't continually lie about that while at the same time deliver on a better future.
Beneficial trade deals: He doesn't know what a trade deficit is. You can't start from such a point of ignorance and stupidity and expect a positive outcome.
China: The US will maintain levies of up to 25% on an estimated $360bn worth of Chinese goods while China is expected to keep tariffs on more than $100bn of US imports. That's $90bn more Americans have to pay when buying goods. Great deal.
NAFTA USMCA: In 2018, the US, Canada and Mexico agreed to a deal that will govern the more than $1.1 trillion in trade between the three countries. The pact is still slowly making its way through the legislatures of the three countries. However, despite a name change, a lot of the terms remain the same. There are some differences, including stronger labour provisions and tougher rules on the sourcing of auto parts. But analysts say their significance remains to be seen. Many of the other updates were worked out in negotiations that pre-dated Mr Trump. Like many theorised, he just slapped his name on the same deal.
Trans-Pacific-Partnetship: One Trump's first moves as president was to withdraw the US from the Trans Pacific Partnership. In the end the deal went ahead without the US putting its exports at a disadvantage. Trump has since claimed two bilateral agreements in Asia, with Japan and South Korea, but the changes were so limited that Congressional researchers said they barely qualified as trade deals.
Europe: In the case of Europe, there is no trade deal in sight.
Brazil and Argentina: Trump announced on Twitter he wanted tariffs on steel and aluminium from Brazil and Argentina. Those countries had been exempted from higher duty on both metals but Mr Trump claimed the two nations had been devaluing their currencies "which is not good for our farmers". So far, there has been no follow-up announcement from his administration and the threats have not materialised. Following a phone call with Mr Trump, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said he had been assured they would not happen.
More prosperity: For who?
Smashing Fake News: He's the source of most of the Fake News with his constant lying. He has an issue with the Truth, not fake news.
Resurrecting the middle class: By giving tax cuts to those higher income brackets and corporations, removing many of their healthcare coverage options and even before the COVID-19 lockdowns hurt the economy, was pushing the US towards a recession? Yeah, resurrecting the middle class alright...
Keep us all strong: Because Masks are for the weak...
Following the constitution: Hah... He complains that his 1st amendment rights are trampled because his tweets were fact-checked and then in the same week uses military-style tactics to break up peaceful protests near the white house, protected by the first amendment, so he can get a photo op in front of a church. Or the Emoluments Clause, or claiming his "authority is total" which isn't constitutionally supported and he made a mockery of it around his G7 profiteering. Like most conservatives, he only cares about the constitution when it suits him. That is in itself the height of disrespect to the founding fathers.
I've only dipped my toe into the pool of his constitutional issues, that could take up an entire post of even thread of it's own if you really want to, but I'd imagine you'd just ignore it anyway, right?
Going great so far...
Quote: The more radical and violent the left becomes the more those of all races and sexes support each other who share the same values.
The radical left are destroying themselves and once again Trump wins.
Its about values! Something the left cannot comprehend.
It's easy to comprehend, they just don't agree with the values of discrimination, bigotry and racism the right hold as the core of their base, especially the magatards.
Trump is quick to highlight the differences in people and exploit that to create divisions and infighting. He's not a total failure because he's at least good at distracting the people.
And he's even doing it with COVID-19. Rather than just wearing a mask and telling those who ignore everything but what he says to also wear masks he's politicising the issue. If he was smart he would have made red MAGA Masks and made a heap of cash by telling his supporters to wear them...
I know you're just regurgitating talking points Rich, but do your own research, don't be a sheep.