cods wrote on Jul 2
nd, 2020 at 7:43am:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 2
nd, 2020 at 7:35am:
Are the hospitals overrun
Victoria has in excess of 1500 ventilators for ICU beds
I would imagine they probably have 1499 gathering dust
If he should resign for anything it is for shutting down suburbs for 4 weeks
When quite clearly the hospital system is not being over run
The correct strategy with kovid is to let it slowly burn through the community
And then only apply lockdown when perhaps 7 or 800 ventilators are being used
What's wrong with people
Do they intend to have rolling lockdowns for the next 40 years
It's pathetic and unworkable
Take your medicine
We even expect that of a 5 year old
oh you wont be happy until 1500 people are on ventilators struggling to breath will you...
I for one am grateful these beds and machines are not being used......but I am sure with your approach they soon will be..
maybe you havent noticed how fast this spreads.....
I would think Dan in now in PANIC see when people do start dying at a faster rate.. his feet are where they will lay the blame...
and yes they will be dying..
Yes cods
I hate to break it to you but people are going to die from covid
What's wrong with people
When did they get this fantasy that they can live for eternity
We accept a certain number of deaths from meningitis
From staphylococcus from streptococcus
we don't close state borders when there is an outbreak of other infectious diseases
The whole strategy was that we flatten the curve so we do not overwhelm the hospital system
Let's just run through that one more time for people who are a bit slow on the uptake like you Cods
We were told to flatten the curve so the hospital system is not over run
We have emptied out hospitals
We have stopped elective surgery
We have dedicated hospitals to treating the coronavirus epidemic
and now we have shifted the goalposts and decided that we are not going to have an epidemic afterall
We are going to restructure society so that no one ever gets sick
You are absolutely out of your mind if you think that is going to work long term
Grow up and use some intelligence and recognise that life is inherently dangerous
And that you are going to perish at some stage
And stop demanding that everyone else demolish their future so you can live a lie