Carl D wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2020 at 6:53pm:
cods wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2020 at 6:24pm:
thats disgraceful bobby.....and you can only guess at the stuff we dont know about...
typical labor govt smacks of pinkbatts all over again...
complete incompetents the lot.....sack the govt....they deserve nothing less.
I agree, cods.
But, this is just an indication of the sort of attitudes that are prevalent in our society today.
"She'll be right"
"Not my job"
"Nothing to do with me"
and so on.
I've seen it getting worse and worse over the years. Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything, so it would seem.
Reminds me of this from
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (Life, the Universe and Everything): Quote:Any object around which an S.E.P. is applied will cease to be noticed, because any problems one may have understanding it (and therefore accepting its existence) become Somebody Else's Problem. An object becomes not so much invisible as unnoticed.
Yep, lots of that around nowadays. Much more so than when Douglas Adams wrote the book in 1982.
Good post.
Example of Somebody Else's Problem.
In an 80km/hr zone -
on the Princess Highway not far from where I live
there was a tree branch that was blocking half
of the right hand lane out of the 3 lanes.
It was causing cars to swerve from the right hand lane to the middle lane to avoid it.
Obviously it was a major traffic hazard.
It was still there 4 days later so
I pulled over to the side of the road and when there were no
cars I ran across & moved the heavy branch on to the median strip - grass area.
I drove away.
I estimate that over 100 police cars would have driven down that road in 4 days
yet they did nothing.
I also estimate that over 200,000 cars went past and did nothing over the 4 days.
I was the only person who removed the hazard.
That just goes to show you the attitude of most people in our concrete jungle.
People don't care about anything even if it affects them.
It's always
Somebody Else's Problem.