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Daniel Andrews should resign (Read 16652 times)
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #165 - Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:11pm
Latest news  ABC 24

108 new cases today.
2 more suburbs to close.

9 housing towers to close -
holding over 3,000 people.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #166 - Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:11pm
2 extra suburbs locked down:

3031 Flemington

3051 North Melbourne

People in the 9 towers will not be able to leave for any reason.
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« Last Edit: Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:24pm by Bobby. »  
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #167 - Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:11pm
9 housing commission towers turned into jails.

No one can leave for any reason.
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« Last Edit: Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:26pm by Bobby. »  
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #168 - Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:51pm
It's getting scary Dan.
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John Smith
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #169 - Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:55pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:51pm:
It's getting scary Dan.

''you live your life scared goober. If not one thing than it's another. I think you like it under your bed and are just looking for excuses to get back under there.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #170 - Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:57pm
John Smith wrote on Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:55pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:51pm:
It's getting scary Dan.

''you live your life scared goober. If not one thing than it's another. I think you like it under your bed and are just looking for excuses to get back under there.

I'm already texting on my mobile from under my bed.
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John Smith
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #171 - Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:59pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:57pm:
John Smith wrote on Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:55pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 4th, 2020 at 4:51pm:
It's getting scary Dan.

''you live your life scared goober. If not one thing than it's another. I think you like it under your bed and are just looking for excuses to get back under there.

I'm already texting on my mobile from under my bed.

I don't doubt it
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #172 - Jul 6th, 2020 at 3:00pm
From the Australian - subscriber only:

Desperate Dan has only himself to blame

"Daniel Andrews is now clearly the worst-performing, most unsuccessful premier or territory leader in Australia in managing the COVID-19 outbreak, despite being the most authoritarian.

The Victorian government’s failure is damaging for Victorians and for the whole of Australia.

The rolling lockdowns in ever greater parts of Melbourne, with disadvantaged people now confined in tiny apartments in horrible high-rise buildings, is the direct outcome of the government’s botched performance.

Andrews’s failure is broad, and is both political and technocratic.

If you go out shopping, people will die, no pair of shoes is worth a life, etc. And he positively excoriated golf, apparently the devil’s own pastime.

Yet when faced with managing a group of people — international returnees going into quarantine — who were almost certainly carrying a disproportionate rate of virus infections, and who were possibly traumatised by the struggle many had to get home at all and were therefore likely to chafe against a fortnight in a hotel room, the ­Andrews government chose the least-trained workforce it could possibly imagine for the job.

This is staggering incompetence. Anyone familiar with the security industry knows how meagre its general training is. Now the security officers, who were neither trained nor equipped nor well paid for the job they were asked to do, have been effectively silenced. But their union has spoken out.

Guards were given 30 seconds training, meaning they just signed a form saying they’d read a piece of paper, or sometimes three minutes training, for the hotel roles. And this on the watch of the Premier who set up a regime that fined ­people for going to Bunnings when Bunnings was legally open.

Now in its customary politburo style, the Victorian government has decided it doesn’t need to answer a single question, nor accept a single iota of democratic accountability for this debacle until an ­official inquiry reports, presumably when the heat has gone out of the issue.

But there were political failures too. The Andrews government was happy to name all sorts of institutions with breakouts when it suited them politically, even a school linked to an inactive case to support the government’s then ­desire to keep schools shut.

But the Cedar Meats abattoir — Labor donors and full of Labor mates — had their identity protected until it was dragged out by the media. This turned out to be a very significant outbreak. Surely common sense tells you that naming them early would have encouraged any of their casual contacts to get tested. A measure of a political leader’s quality is how stringently they will speak to their own supporters when necessary. Andrews notionally discouraged demonstrators, but his efforts to get people not to attend the Black Lives Matter demonstrations were pitiful."
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #173 - Jul 6th, 2020 at 8:25pm
Gnads wrote on Jul 4th, 2020 at 7:31am:
cods wrote on Jul 3rd, 2020 at 5:07pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 3rd, 2020 at 12:36pm:
Coronavirus Australia live updates:

1 hour ago -

Victoria records 66 new Covid-19 cases as premier Daniel Andrews provides update.

hes lucky thus far No deaths......Vic will take a long time to recover from this....look at NSW fires/wild storms/covids.....yet they manage.. and are in control..

Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

That's why they leave their borders open & they had 8 new cases on Friday.

Big Nose couldn't handle a handkerchief. 

It is possible that the major difference between Vic and NSW numbers is that Vic ramped up their testing. Hopefully not but it is possible.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #174 - Jul 6th, 2020 at 8:30pm
53 Corona virus cases recorded in the 9 towers.

Victoria has recorded
127 new cases
in the latest 24-hour reporting period,
the state's highest ever daily case increase.
Thirty-four were linked to known outbreaks,
40 were discovered through routine testing
and 53 are being investigated.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #175 - Jul 6th, 2020 at 8:38pm

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #176 - Jul 6th, 2020 at 9:34pm

Avi Yemini

404K subscribers

Victoria is officially in a worse position than we were BEFORE the 12-week lockdown that crippled our economy.

Our Labor government went rogue during the lockdown imposing the strictest restrictions on its citizens AGAINST federal health advice.

We couldn't see our mums on Mothers day; we weren't allowed to go to the beach or visit family and friends when other states could. Golf was out, and the list goes on and on.

Andrews embraced the power but at the same time permitted thousands to March on our streets which BTW we still don't know how many cases trace back to that Black Lives Matter rally. I doubt we ever will.

What we do know is, twice Andrews refused military support in dealing with return travellers. Instead, he opted for giving contracts to dodgy security companies.

These companies ripped us off, often charging the taxpayer for guards that never even worked—paying cash in hand to unskilled, untrained, and in many cases, newly arrived immigrants who hardly speak a word of English.

Some of the stories coming out of Victoria's Hotel quarantines are horrific. My inbox is full of them: I even got a message about a Guard taking people out in return for sexual favours. It's mind-blowing.

The government is now blaming these same security guards for what's happening here. They say a bunch of them got infected from travellers and spread it like wildfire in our local communities.

It begs the question: Why did Andrews refuse the military support, not once, but twice?

Every other state took up the offer of assistance from our military, and it paid off
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #177 - Jul 25th, 2020 at 6:27pm
Paid just $18 an hour and having received no training, guards involved in Melbourne’s botched hotel coronavirus outbreak are speaking up.

Victoria’s bungled hotel quarantine operation – and the second lockdown that followed – is set to leave Australia with a $3 billion hangover, with unsettling allegations about the misconduct that occurred at the hotels – used to quarantine returned overseas travellers – coming to light as the state’s virus infections surge.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #178 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 9:47am
Why hasn't Dan Dan Covid man resigned?
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #179 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 9:52am
Gordon wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 9:47am:
Why hasn't Dan Dan Covid man resigned?

I'm hoping that Dan will be sent to the High Court in Canberra for treason.
He has tried to remove them from the legal process.

Look at what Dan has just done -
he's set aside all laws -
we have no legal rights in Victoria anymore.

Some of the extreme powers from a disaster declaration is that anyone in Victoria can be arrested and held without trial. “Authorised officers” can be appointed to enforce lockdown measures and don’t need warrants for search and entry have no restrictions on their powers. The courts are also banned from hearing legal challenges to any action under the Emergency Management Act.
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