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Daniel Andrews should resign (Read 16573 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #195 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:22am
Dan Dan Covid man.
He fkdup and killed your gran
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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #196 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:27am
Gordon wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:13am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:09am:
at least this could be a massive wake up call for all those Victorians that elected this man....

he has no substance  at all   hasnt accepted any responsibility for his total mis management ..

where does the BUCK STOP in Andrews office...???

not at his feet thats for sure..

why is this man who has totally mismanaged this STILL IN CHARGE?? I dont get it..

would you allow a brain surgeon who killed more than he saved to keep practicing?????????

Dan was warned about inadequate security by Vic health bureaucrats from the beginning.

Dan had $18/hr low end security guards in charge.
NSW had police and ADF at every hotel.

A review of Victoria’s troubled security firms, released by the Andrews government amid coronavirus outbreaks spread among guards at the state’s quarantine hotels, details an industry beset by poor hiring practices and contentious subcontracting policies.

It found security guards were lowly paid, regularly lacked English-language skills, and are often so poorly trained they do not perform the basic functions of their job.

The Andrews government review, that covers the industry and the state’s 33,000 licensed guards, was released last week, days after guards were cited as the likely source behind outbreaks.

In March, Premier Daniel Andrews announced that more than a dozen Melbourne hotels would house thousands of travellers returning from overseas for a compulsory 14-day quarantine.

The review's release came as it emerged the state government had selected a NSW firm not on its list of preferred security companies to run security at nine of the hotels.

That firm, Unified Security, subcontracted out work to at least one smaller firm after being contracted.

Unified Security provided guards at the Rydges on Swanston hotel, where one of the two quarantine hotel outbreaks occurred.

At the 2018 state election, the government promised to review the laws covering an industry beset by transient, casual labour and guards with deficient skills. It is the first review of the sector in a decade.

I have forgotten which minister he handed this chore too... but he in turn gave it to a company that employed people affiliated with his fav Union......maybe a case of scratch my back... Angry Angry

now whos picking up the bill and I am sure the said minister is still picking up his salary
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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #197 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:27am
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:21am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:18am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:12am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:09am:
at least this could be a massive wake up call for all those Victorians that elected this man....

he has no substance  at all   hasnt accepted any responsibility for his total mis management ..

where does the BUCK STOP in Andrews office...???

not at his feet thats for sure..

why is this man who has totally mismanaged this STILL IN CHARGE?? I dont get it..

would you allow a brain surgeon who killed more than he saved to keep practicing?????????

The alleged child rapist occupying the White House has killed 150,000 people and yet you, and others here, continue to support him unconditionally.

really perhaps you would like to show the OTHERS   where I have supported him????>....

such grand statements need to be for bring in your man once have more than enough threads to keep even a maniac like you happy. 

so toddle off.

Do you support Donald Trump?

answer my question....where is your proof.. Angry Angry Angry Angry
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Australian Politics

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Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #198 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:30am
Gordon wrote on Jul 25th, 2020 at 6:27pm:
Paid just $18 an hour and having received no training, guards involved in Melbourne’s botched hotel coronavirus outbreak are speaking up.

Victoria’s bungled hotel quarantine operation – and the second lockdown that followed – is set to leave Australia with a $3 billion hangover, with unsettling allegations about the misconduct that occurred at the hotels – used to quarantine returned overseas travellers – coming to light as the state’s virus infections surge.

I'm a bit over people making excuses for themselves and their own lack of any sort of common sense. Get a grip. Hotel quarantine was not introduced at the start of the pandemic, it didn't begin till several weeks in & by that time, information about covid was dominating the news stories. We were seeing China and Italy in trouble.

It's too simplistic to blame everything on Dan.
But if you read that report, the guards knew the people were in quarantine, they must have known quarantine was for a reason. I'd expect even a second class brain would have realised the guests were covid risks.

They were, as the report says,"
instructed to take these people for walks on the rooftop walking area and guards just wear a mask and share lifts with these people.”

You don't wear a mask without a reason.
Folks, what we're looking at here is a lack of common sense by many of the guards and a neglect of their duties that bordered on criminal.

Some guards even let the guests go shopping. That's a huge difference to a supervised walk on a rooftop area. 

I believe the companies who supplied the services should be fined massively. Those guards who didn't follow even the basic directions should be fined too.

The government deserves to cop flak for not overseeing this better but if we want to go on from this (and the next bit won't be popular), since all our covid can probably be traced back to the quarantine hotels, what it means is one or more of the guards was muslim and then went to the big Eid celebration that was our next big spreader. The one where a big family gathering spread covid through many different suburbs. That gathering of what-30 or 40 or more people, was at a time when there were no more than 5 visitors allowed in a home.

So that's another slack guard. And at a time when the risks were very well known and we were just starting to emerge from lockdown.

Then you have the fact that one in four people who have lately been tested as positive to covid have not been at home. They are out at the shops or at work, despite the fact there is a payment for those people if they have no sick leave available.

So we have all these people who are using no common sense at all & just doing as they please, but then they want to put all the blame on Dan. Some of it yes, but obviously, you can't fix stupid with some people.
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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #199 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:37am
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:27am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:21am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:18am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:12am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:09am:
at least this could be a massive wake up call for all those Victorians that elected this man....

he has no substance  at all   hasnt accepted any responsibility for his total mis management ..

where does the BUCK STOP in Andrews office...???

not at his feet thats for sure..

why is this man who has totally mismanaged this STILL IN CHARGE?? I dont get it..

would you allow a brain surgeon who killed more than he saved to keep practicing?????????

The alleged child rapist occupying the White House has killed 150,000 people and yet you, and others here, continue to support him unconditionally.

really perhaps you would like to show the OTHERS   where I have supported him????>....

such grand statements need to be for bring in your man once have more than enough threads to keep even a maniac like you happy. 

so toddle off.

Do you support Donald Trump?

answer my question....where is your proof.. Angry Angry Angry Angry

I'll take that as a yes.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #200 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:38am
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:13am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:00am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 9:57am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 9:56am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 9:53am:
What is the penalty for treason?

What is the penalty for wife-bashing?

"Avi Yemini, the far-right Australian-Israeli activist, was fined A$3,600 by an Australian court after being charged for assaulting and sending harassing texts to his ex-wife Sarah Lyford."



Why do you promote a convicted wife-basher?

Bobby: why do you post videos from convicted wife-bashers?

Bobby: why are you posting videos from a convicted wife-basher?

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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #201 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:43am
sherri wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:30am:
So we have all these people who are using no common sense at all & just doing as they please, but then they want to put all the blame on Dan. Some of it yes, but obviously, you can't fix stupid with some people.

the BUCK has to stop somewhere...and so far Dan has not accepted any responsibility for any of this....

yes many Victorians are letting other Victorians down   

but Dan should make the rules HAR D AND FAST..

instead he makes them whimpy Please wear a mask...

$2000 fine if caught in public not wearing a mask... how bloody hard would that be????????????...

the two women from Qld caught the virus in Melb... WHAT WERE THEY DOING IN MELB IN THE FIRST PLACE?..

why are planes flying in and out of Melb interstate???????????????????????its crazy...

do we have bad stooopid unreasonable people living amongst us... YES WE BLOODY DO...and they will be wilful and disobedient..

and thats what the slammer is for...

the State has been in a STATE for long time now and showing no signs of getting better....and still hes muddling through
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #202 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:44am
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:37am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:27am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:21am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:18am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:12am:
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:09am:
at least this could be a massive wake up call for all those Victorians that elected this man....

he has no substance  at all   hasnt accepted any responsibility for his total mis management ..

where does the BUCK STOP in Andrews office...???

not at his feet thats for sure..

why is this man who has totally mismanaged this STILL IN CHARGE?? I dont get it..

would you allow a brain surgeon who killed more than he saved to keep practicing?????????

The alleged child rapist occupying the White House has killed 150,000 people and yet you, and others here, continue to support him unconditionally.

really perhaps you would like to show the OTHERS   where I have supported him????>....

such grand statements need to be for bring in your man once have more than enough threads to keep even a maniac like you happy. 

so toddle off.

Do you support Donald Trump?

answer my question....where is your proof.. Angry Angry Angry Angry

I'll take that as a yes.

stop lying   you sound like someone else on here....

but you dont mind liars do you?
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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #203 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:48am
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:43am:
sherri wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:30am:
So we have all these people who are using no common sense at all & just doing as they please, but then they want to put all the blame on Dan. Some of it yes, but obviously, you can't fix stupid with some people.

the BUCK has to stop somewhere...and so far Dan has not accepted any responsibility for any of this....

yes many Victorians are letting other Victorians down   

but Dan should make the rules HAR D AND FAST..

instead he makes them whimpy Please wear a mask...

$2000 fine if caught in public not wearing a mask... how bloody hard would that be????????????...

The premier warned there will be zero tolerance for those violating the new curfew orders.

"If you are out with no good reason to be out after 8pm tonight, you will be caught and you will be fined.”

“The time for leniency, the time for warnings and cautions is over.”
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #204 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:50am
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:48am:
The premier warned there will be zero tolerance for those violating the new curfew orders.

"If you are out with no good reason to be out after 8pm tonight, you will be caught and you will be fined.”

“The time for leniency, the time for warnings and cautions is over.”

only after the virus spread further and further and he knew it was out of control'

yeah a bit like shitting the door after the horse has bolted...

might have guessed you would approve.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 20810
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #205 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:52am
sherri wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:30am:
Gordon wrote on Jul 25th, 2020 at 6:27pm:
Paid just $18 an hour and having received no training, guards involved in Melbourne’s botched hotel coronavirus outbreak are speaking up.

Victoria’s bungled hotel quarantine operation – and the second lockdown that followed – is set to leave Australia with a $3 billion hangover, with unsettling allegations about the misconduct that occurred at the hotels – used to quarantine returned overseas travellers – coming to light as the state’s virus infections surge.

I'm a bit over people making excuses for themselves and their own lack of any sort of common sense. Get a grip. Hotel quarantine was not introduced at the start of the pandemic, it didn't begin till several weeks in & by that time, information about covid was dominating the news stories. We were seeing China and Italy in trouble.

It's too simplistic to blame everything on Dan.
But if you read that report, the guards knew the people were in quarantine, they must have known quarantine was for a reason. I'd expect even a second class brain would have realised the guests were covid risks.

They were, as the report says,"
instructed to take these people for walks on the rooftop walking area and guards just wear a mask and share lifts with these people.”

You don't wear a mask without a reason.
Folks, what we're looking at here is a lack of common sense by many of the guards and a neglect of their duties that bordered on criminal.

Some guards even let the guests go shopping. That's a huge difference to a supervised walk on a rooftop area. 

I believe the companies who supplied the services should be fined massively. Those guards who didn't follow even the basic directions should be fined too.

The government deserves to cop flak for not overseeing this better but if we want to go on from this (and the next bit won't be popular), since all our covid can probably be traced back to the quarantine hotels, what it means is one or more of the guards was muslim and then went to the big Eid celebration that was our next big spreader. The one where a big family gathering spread covid through many different suburbs. That gathering of what-30 or 40 or more people, was at a time when there were no more than 5 visitors allowed in a home.

So that's another slack guard. And at a time when the risks were very well known and we were just starting to emerge from lockdown.

Then you have the fact that one in four people who have lately been tested as positive to covid have not been at home. They are out at the shops or at work, despite the fact there is a payment for those people if they have no sick leave available.

So we have all these people who are using no common sense at all & just doing as they please, but then they want to put all the blame on Dan. Some of it yes, but obviously, you can't fix stupid with some people.

Nope. It all comes down to which guards they used, and Vic used cheap guards with no experience while NSW used police and ADF.

A % of people are fkwits so it's a GIVEN that a certain amount of people will attempt to break out of quarantine and people in NSW attempted it regularly, but quarantine hotels in NSW had police and AFD which stopped that.

For my work, I actually went to the private residence section of one of the hotels. There was a NSW police sargent at the front door, he got my ID and radioed up to the podium level where I changed lifts for the residential section.

A mate of mine is NSW police and he told me how buttoned downed the quarantine hotels were.

Nobody was allowed to leave their room except for a medical emergency.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #206 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:57am
my daughter was in iso in Melb at the same time as all this went on......she had meals left on the doorstep.didnt see a soul for 14days...shes on a diplomatic passport so that may have made a difference to where she was staying..but she had to clean her own room and change the bed.. shock horror..... then we read about the other debacle.....why shouldnt people be MAD AS HELL>..

this is breaking Australia   we are all affected.
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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #207 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:57am
cods wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:50am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:48am:
The premier warned there will be zero tolerance for those violating the new curfew orders.

"If you are out with no good reason to be out after 8pm tonight, you will be caught and you will be fined.”

“The time for leniency, the time for warnings and cautions is over.”

only after the virus spread further and further and he knew it was out of control'

yeah a bit like shitting the door after the horse has bolted...

might have guessed you would approve.

You're never happy, are you?

He's done exactly what you want, but you're still not happy.


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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #208 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 11:47am
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #209 - Aug 3rd, 2020 at 11:50am
Jasin wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 11:47am:

The exact opposite, actually.

He's closed down everything, not just the beaches.

I believe you're thinking of Trump.

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