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Daniel Andrews should resign (Read 16508 times)
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #270 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:14am
Gnads wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:09am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:03am:
If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.

PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much

Grin Not as much as death or disability does  Roll Eyes

Given that their test has a 99.8% chance of coming back negative people
are willing to take that risk.
Why disrupt your life for 12 days for almost no reason?

You can't leave your home.
How do you get your shopping done etc?
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #271 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:15am
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #272 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:15am
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Carl D
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #273 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:20am
Gnads wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:00am:
Mandatory self isolation after testing has been 14 days minimum from the outset of the virus strategies .............

not 12!!!

Those who were tested should have stayed the pharque at home.

This is the whole problem, people are stupid ... people continue to create new outbreaks/clusters because they will not use commonsense or do as they're directed.

It's not politicians ...... it's the numptys in our society.  Roll Eyes

Are you one of those numptys???

But, when the 'numptys' see things like AFL footballers being allowed to play matches in front of 20,000+ fans twice in the space of 3 days like here at Optus Stadium in Perth a few weeks back when these footballers were not even halfway through their 14 day quarantine (assuming they were even in quarantine to start with, I have my doubts) then the 'numptys' probably think things like "well, if they don't have to abide by the rules then why should we?"

This 'numpty' attitude is probably being reinforced when they also see things like this (which I posted about yesterday but I used a different link):

Queensland coronavirus case infectious on Jetstar flight

A young consular staff member who tested positive to coronavirus in Queensland was infectious on a domestic flight after returning from overseas.
The man was allowed to take the domestic flight and quarantine at home as part of a select group of exemptions, Dr Young said.

Those d@mn "exemptions" again... they're going to be the death of many, many people unless something is done about this, at least someone has finally recognized the problem (late as usual, of course):

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has called for exemption "loopholes" to be closed off after one of the state's positive cases was revealed to be a returning consular contractor who did not need to quarantine.

Always too slow with just about everything to do with trying to stop COVID-19 in this country up to now. Time to (finally) start putting peoples' lives ahead of the almighty dollar.

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« Last Edit: Aug 4th, 2020 at 9:04am by Carl D »  

** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #274 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:13am
Gordon wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:52am:
sherri wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:30am:
Gordon wrote on Jul 25th, 2020 at 6:27pm:
Paid just $18 an hour and having received no training, guards involved in Melbourne’s botched hotel coronavirus outbreak are speaking up.

Victoria’s bungled hotel quarantine operation – and the second lockdown that followed – is set to leave Australia with a $3 billion hangover, with unsettling allegations about the misconduct that occurred at the hotels – used to quarantine returned overseas travellers – coming to light as the state’s virus infections surge.

I'm a bit over people making excuses for themselves and their own lack of any sort of common sense. Get a grip. Hotel quarantine was not introduced at the start of the pandemic, it didn't begin till several weeks in & by that time, information about covid was dominating the news stories. We were seeing China and Italy in trouble.

It's too simplistic to blame everything on Dan.
But if you read that report, the guards knew the people were in quarantine, they must have known quarantine was for a reason. I'd expect even a second class brain would have realised the guests were covid risks.

They were, as the report says,"
instructed to take these people for walks on the rooftop walking area and guards just wear a mask and share lifts with these people.”

You don't wear a mask without a reason.
Folks, what we're looking at here is a lack of common sense by many of the guards and a neglect of their duties that bordered on criminal.

Some guards even let the guests go shopping. That's a huge difference to a supervised walk on a rooftop area. 

I believe the companies who supplied the services should be fined massively. Those guards who didn't follow even the basic directions should be fined too.

The government deserves to cop flak for not overseeing this better but if we want to go on from this (and the next bit won't be popular), since all our covid can probably be traced back to the quarantine hotels, what it means is one or more of the guards was muslim and then went to the big Eid celebration that was our next big spreader. The one where a big family gathering spread covid through many different suburbs. That gathering of what-30 or 40 or more people, was at a time when there were no more than 5 visitors allowed in a home.

So that's another slack guard. And at a time when the risks were very well known and we were just starting to emerge from lockdown.

Then you have the fact that one in four people who have lately been tested as positive to covid have not been at home. They are out at the shops or at work, despite the fact there is a payment for those people if they have no sick leave available.

So we have all these people who are using no common sense at all & just doing as they please, but then they want to put all the blame on Dan. Some of it yes, but obviously, you can't fix stupid with some people.

Nope. It all comes down to which guards they used, and Vic used cheap guards with no experience while NSW used police and ADF.

A % of people are fkwits so it's a GIVEN that a certain amount of people will attempt to break out of quarantine and people in NSW attempted it regularly, but quarantine hotels in NSW had police and AFD which stopped that.

For my work, I actually went to the private residence section of one of the hotels. There was a NSW police sargent at the front door, he got my ID and radioed up to the podium level where I changed lifts for the residential section.

A mate of mine is NSW police and he told me how buttoned downed the quarantine hotels were.

Nobody was allowed to leave their room except for a medical emergency.

I agree, Vic used cheap guards when police or military would have been better. Dan needs to own that.

But what i am saying is the excuse 'cheap guards' is a cop out. Even the most untrained of people should know what quarantine means and it doesn't mean letting people out to shop or having sex with them.
I am over people saying "These poor guards, they had no training and no idea what covid was. Rubbish. It was all over the news and had been for weeks. Many of them were just slack.
The security firms involved should be fined & put out of business for not overseeing a competent job.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #275 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:32am
sherri wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:13am:
Gordon wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:52am:
sherri wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:30am:
Gordon wrote on Jul 25th, 2020 at 6:27pm:
Paid just $18 an hour and having received no training, guards involved in Melbourne’s botched hotel coronavirus outbreak are speaking up.

Victoria’s bungled hotel quarantine operation – and the second lockdown that followed – is set to leave Australia with a $3 billion hangover, with unsettling allegations about the misconduct that occurred at the hotels – used to quarantine returned overseas travellers – coming to light as the state’s virus infections surge.

I'm a bit over people making excuses for themselves and their own lack of any sort of common sense. Get a grip. Hotel quarantine was not introduced at the start of the pandemic, it didn't begin till several weeks in & by that time, information about covid was dominating the news stories. We were seeing China and Italy in trouble.

It's too simplistic to blame everything on Dan.
But if you read that report, the guards knew the people were in quarantine, they must have known quarantine was for a reason. I'd expect even a second class brain would have realised the guests were covid risks.

They were, as the report says,"
instructed to take these people for walks on the rooftop walking area and guards just wear a mask and share lifts with these people.”

You don't wear a mask without a reason.
Folks, what we're looking at here is a lack of common sense by many of the guards and a neglect of their duties that bordered on criminal.

Some guards even let the guests go shopping. That's a huge difference to a supervised walk on a rooftop area. 

I believe the companies who supplied the services should be fined massively. Those guards who didn't follow even the basic directions should be fined too.

The government deserves to cop flak for not overseeing this better but if we want to go on from this (and the next bit won't be popular), since all our covid can probably be traced back to the quarantine hotels, what it means is one or more of the guards was muslim and then went to the big Eid celebration that was our next big spreader. The one where a big family gathering spread covid through many different suburbs. That gathering of what-30 or 40 or more people, was at a time when there were no more than 5 visitors allowed in a home.

So that's another slack guard. And at a time when the risks were very well known and we were just starting to emerge from lockdown.

Then you have the fact that one in four people who have lately been tested as positive to covid have not been at home. They are out at the shops or at work, despite the fact there is a payment for those people if they have no sick leave available.

So we have all these people who are using no common sense at all & just doing as they please, but then they want to put all the blame on Dan. Some of it yes, but obviously, you can't fix stupid with some people.

Nope. It all comes down to which guards they used, and Vic used cheap guards with no experience while NSW used police and ADF.

A % of people are fkwits so it's a GIVEN that a certain amount of people will attempt to break out of quarantine and people in NSW attempted it regularly, but quarantine hotels in NSW had police and AFD which stopped that.

For my work, I actually went to the private residence section of one of the hotels. There was a NSW police sargent at the front door, he got my ID and radioed up to the podium level where I changed lifts for the residential section.

A mate of mine is NSW police and he told me how buttoned downed the quarantine hotels were.

Nobody was allowed to leave their room except for a medical emergency.

I agree, Vic used cheap guards when police or military would have been better. Dan needs to own that.

But what i am saying is the excuse 'cheap guards' is a cop out. Even the most untrained of people should know what quarantine means and it doesn't mean letting people out to shop or having sex with them.
I am over people saying "These poor guards, they had no training and no idea what covid was. Rubbish. It was all over the news and had been for weeks. Many of them were just slack.
The security firms involved should be fined & put out of business for not overseeing a competent job.

The guards were out of their depth but that is no surprise because as I said before, a % of people are arseholes and some just can't deal with being locked up.

In Sydney there was one quarantine breach.  This arsehole assaulted a private security guard and fled down a fire escape.
Luckily she was found quickly.

After that incident every floor had an ADF guard.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #276 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:53am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:03am:
Gnads wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:00am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 11:14pm:
Brendon wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 10:49pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 7:16pm:
Brendon wrote on Aug 3rd, 2020 at 7:04pm:
Most of the infections and deaths come from aged care facilities.

I think Daniel Andrews is way out of control.

He didn’t even give an extra week for a chance for the compulsory masks to work.
In any case – in years from now I honestly believe that all
these lockdowns will be considered futile attempts to stop an airborne virus.
It cannot be stopped.

Aged care is federal. Its the Morrison government. The employment regs, and the care facility regs. The ones that come under state control are ok mainly. Its the Liberal Party Scott government ones that have most of the infections.

The whole thing is a gigantic stuff up.

A doctor in Melbourne on ABC 24 tonight said
that some of his patients still hadn't received
the results of their Covid-19 tests after 12 days.
Of course they had been mixing in the community
thinking that the result must be negative.
In fact some of them were positive.

Mandatory self isolation after testing has been 14 days minimum from the outset of the virus strategies .............

not 12!!!

Those who were tested should have stayed the pharque at home.

This is the whole problem, people are stupid ... people continue to create new outbreaks/clusters because they will not use commonsense or do as they're directed.

It's not politicians ...... it's the numptys in our society.  Roll Eyes

Are you one of those numptys???

If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.

PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much.

You have hit the nail on the head
It is insane that people should wait more than 24 hours for the results
even in Brisbane where we have very few cases the weight has gone from 24 hours to 4 days
That is just plain nuts
Who is going to be tested when they know they will then have to stay home for 4 days for doing the right thing

They have had six months to ramp up the testing
And instead they have wasted it on God only knows what
Doing press conferences and appearing all virtuous as far as I can see
Typical public health catastrophe
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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #277 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:03pm
aquascoot wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:53am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:03am:
If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.

PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much.

You have hit the nail on the head
It is insane that people should wait more than 24 hours for the results
even in Brisbane where we have very few cases the weight has gone from 24 hours to 4 days
That is just plain nuts
Who is going to be tested when they know they will then have to stay home for 4 days for doing the right thing

They have had six months to ramp up the testing
And instead they have wasted it on God only knows what
Doing press conferences and appearing all virtuous as far as I can see
Typical public health catastrophe

I know I'm right.
Who is going to get tested for a runny nose if they
and their whole family have to stay home for 12 days?
They have to accept house arrest and risk a $5,000 fine
if they put as much as one foot out the door:

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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #278 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:06pm
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:03pm:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:53am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:03am:
If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.

PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much.

You have hit the nail on the head
It is insane that people should wait more than 24 hours for the results
even in Brisbane where we have very few cases the weight has gone from 24 hours to 4 days
That is just plain nuts
Who is going to be tested when they know they will then have to stay home for 4 days for doing the right thing

They have had six months to ramp up the testing
And instead they have wasted it on God only knows what
Doing press conferences and appearing all virtuous as far as I can see
Typical public health catastrophe

I know I'm right.
Who is going to get tested for a runny nose if they
and their whole family have to stay home for 12 days
They have to accept house arrest and risk a $5,000 fine
if they put as much as one foot out the door:

If the thought of spending 12 days alone with one's own family is not appealing, I'd suggest that they have some serious issues that need addressing.
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Victor Sunny
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #279 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:06pm
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 6:56am:
Victor Sunny wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 6:50am:
Scott Morrison should resign. He called out reopen too soon.

The politicians just make it up as they go.
Masks should have been compulsory at least 3 months ago.
They still aren't in Sydney even though Melbourne
should be a huge warning to them.

True. There was a misleading to the public that healthy people don't need mask months ago.
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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #280 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:11pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:06pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:03pm:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:53am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:03am:
If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.

PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much.

You have hit the nail on the head
It is insane that people should wait more than 24 hours for the results
even in Brisbane where we have very few cases the weight has gone from 24 hours to 4 days
That is just plain nuts
Who is going to be tested when they know they will then have to stay home for 4 days for doing the right thing

They have had six months to ramp up the testing
And instead they have wasted it on God only knows what
Doing press conferences and appearing all virtuous as far as I can see
Typical public health catastrophe

I know I'm right.
Who is going to get tested for a runny nose if they
and their whole family have to stay home for 12 days
They have to accept house arrest and risk a $5,000 fine
if they put as much as one foot out the door:

If the thought of spending 12 days alone with one's own family is not appealing, I'd suggest that they have some serious issues that need addressing.

Given that their test has a 99.8% chance of coming back negative people
are willing to take that risk.
Why disrupt your life for 12 days for almost no reason?

You can't leave your home.
How do you get your shopping done etc?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #281 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:12pm
Victor Sunny wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:06pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 6:56am:
Victor Sunny wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 6:50am:
Scott Morrison should resign. He called out reopen too soon.

The politicians just make it up as they go.
Masks should have been compulsory at least 3 months ago.
They still aren't in Sydney even though Melbourne
should be a huge warning to them.

True. There was a misleading to the public that healthy people don't need mask months ago.

It's a whole chain of bad decisions that has caused it.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #282 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:16pm
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:11pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:06pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:03pm:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:53am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:03am:
If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.

PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much.

You have hit the nail on the head
It is insane that people should wait more than 24 hours for the results
even in Brisbane where we have very few cases the weight has gone from 24 hours to 4 days
That is just plain nuts
Who is going to be tested when they know they will then have to stay home for 4 days for doing the right thing

They have had six months to ramp up the testing
And instead they have wasted it on God only knows what
Doing press conferences and appearing all virtuous as far as I can see
Typical public health catastrophe

I know I'm right.
Who is going to get tested for a runny nose if they
and their whole family have to stay home for 12 days
They have to accept house arrest and risk a $5,000 fine
if they put as much as one foot out the door:

If the thought of spending 12 days alone with one's own family is not appealing, I'd suggest that they have some serious issues that need addressing.

Given that their test has a 99.8% chance of coming back negative people
are willing to take that risk.
Why disrupt your life for 12 days for almost no reason?

You can't leave your home.
How do you get your shopping done etc?

Home delivery.

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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 35307
Gender: male
Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #283 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:38pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:06pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:03pm:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 10:53am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 8:03am:
If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.

PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much.

You have hit the nail on the head
It is insane that people should wait more than 24 hours for the results
even in Brisbane where we have very few cases the weight has gone from 24 hours to 4 days
That is just plain nuts
Who is going to be tested when they know they will then have to stay home for 4 days for doing the right thing

They have had six months to ramp up the testing
And instead they have wasted it on God only knows what
Doing press conferences and appearing all virtuous as far as I can see
Typical public health catastrophe

I know I'm right.
Who is going to get tested for a runny nose if they
and their whole family have to stay home for 12 days
They have to accept house arrest and risk a $5,000 fine
if they put as much as one foot out the door:

If the thought of spending 12 days alone with one's own family is not appealing, I'd suggest that they have some serious issues that need addressing.

Well there are a lot of people who have issues that need addressing then.

You wouldn't get on your families nerves though .
You would be in the basement archiving pictures of trumps daughter for most of the day  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Australian Politics

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Re: Daniel Andrews should resign
Reply #284 - Aug 4th, 2020 at 5:27pm
aquascoot wrote on Aug 4th, 2020 at 1:38pm:
If the thought of spending 12 days alone with one's own family is not appealing, I'd suggest that they have some serious issues that need addressing.

Well there are a lot of people who have issues that need addressing then.

You wouldn't get on your families nerves though .
You would be in the basement archiving pictures of trumps daughter for most of the day  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Greggy doesn't know.

I'll tell you how stupid Daniel Andrews is.
He has made a curfew from 8pm to 5am every night.
It means I can't go shopping late at night when the supermarkets are nearly empty.
I have to go - everyone has to go and do their shopping
when the supermarkets are crowded -
exactly the opposite of what is good.

I'll tell him to his face - he's an idiot.
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