We’re being financially annihilated with all this lockdown.
The average seems 400 a day get covid but seem well enough to stay home to recover with no hospitalisation needed.
Faster action with PPE for carers of the aged care would’ve diminished the deaths.
Like I said.... SloMo and DelayDan are behind the eight ball.
The future generations... (our kids and grandkids) will pay dearly for this financial catastrophe over a few daily deaths of elderly, these elderly that have already lived their full life. Have seen their kids grow up, seen their great and great-great grandkids come into the world.
There is no way they would’ve wanted their future financially jeopardised.
Please don’t take offence but it’s true.
Why are we not told of other deaths on a daily basis as a comparison?
Because it would make covid look menial?
This is what was predicted with a descent into slavery.
First prediction when we think we are up and running again... before we leave the start line... we will be hit with a rise in GST.
Currently it’s 10%
NZ last I knew was 12.5% ?
It will be called a “recovery tax” I reckon.
Did our pollies not attend Scouts? To learn “be prepared” type mottos?
Why wasn’t there speedier preparations to protect these elderly then?
Behind the eight ball?
Where does the blame lay here?
With you or me?
Yeah.... seems it is.... other states pointing and blaming at their fellow Aussies.
We turn on each other pretty good don’t we? How does our media do that?
I would say 90% blame our government and 10% certain people. If that.
There, I’m getting off my angry soap box now, put my flak helmet on and hitting the trenches
