aquascoot wrote on Aug 4
th, 2020 at 10:53am:
The whole thing is a gigantic stuff up.
A doctor in Melbourne on ABC 24 tonight said
that some of his patients still hadn't received
the results of their Covid-19 tests after 12 days.
Of course they had been mixing in the community
thinking that the result must be negative.
In fact some of them were positive.
Mandatory self isolation after testing has been 14 days minimum from the outset of the virus strategies .............
not 12!!!
Those who were tested should have stayed the pharque at home.
This is the whole problem, people are stupid ... people continue to create new outbreaks/clusters because they will not use commonsense or do as they're directed.
It's not politicians ...... it's the numptys in our society.

Are you one of those numptys???
If the test is negative then you don't need to stay at home.
People are waiting too long for results -
they should have results in 24 hours not 12 days.
PS -
I think many people are not getting tested if
they have a minor symptom such as a sore throat
because it disrupts their life too much. [/quote]
You have hit the nail on the head
It is insane that people should wait more than 24 hours for the results
even in Brisbane where we have very few cases the weight has gone from 24 hours to 4 days
That is just plain nuts
Who is going to be tested when they know they will then have to stay home for 4 days for doing the right thing
They have had six months to ramp up the testing
And instead they have wasted it on God only knows whatDoing press conferences and appearing all virtuous as far as I can see
Typical public health catastrophe [/quote]
I think we can sort of excuse some of the mistakes/slow responses made in Feb/March as the situation was new to everyone.
But it is now August, governments have had months to get their act together.
We in Aust have been immensely lucky. Luckier than most other countries. We had a breathing space with very few cases in any state for several months.
I would have expected the government to have used that period of grace to get ready. Getting ready doesn't just mean getting hospital beds ready. It means ramping up testing facilities etc plus getting back up staff.
It means getting ready for disaster.
Most hospitals & emergency services have that training routinely anyway so this should have been just an extra layer of government planning.
Instead, what are we seeing here in melb!
Routine 6 day waits for results.
In those 6 days, the person is supposed to self isolate & not work. There's no government allowance for that waiting period.
The results can be fast tracked for some people and back in 48 hours.
I have now known a lot of people who have had to be tested.
You are not going to get people self isolating for 6 days if the reason for testing is not illness. It's unreasonable. Everyone needs results through in 48 hours, not just the lucky few.
We're actually not getting that many cases, it is still under a lot of other places around the world. Why are we not ready, why is the contact tracing so poor?
Blind freddy could see the second wave was quite possibly coming.