Don't worry, cods. The way things are going Victoria might be having some "company" before too much longer, including WA with its so called "hard border".
August 8, 2020, 6:14pm
WA ‘ready to blow up’ with virus cases Quote:An Australian doctor has warned Western Australia is ready to “blow up” with COVID-19 cases, with health workers concerned overseas and interstate travellers could drive up the numbers.
Western Australia only has six active cases in the state, but president of the Australian Medical Association WA, Dr Andrew Miller, told the ABC that many health professionals feel like they are “sitting on a time bomb”.
“I think I can best summarise the mood of doctors in Western Australia at the moment as we are sitting on a time bomb,” Dr Miller told the outlet.
“This state is ready to blow up with COVID.”
Might have to go out and buy some face masks later on before the inevitable panic buying starts.
July 28, 2020, 6.08am
Should WA prepare for a second wave – and are face masks on our horizon? Quote:There are no certainties when it comes to the pandemic, but the Premier couldn’t have been clearer on the possibility of a second wave of COVID-19 in Western Australia when talking to reporters last week: "Chances are, the virus will come back."
Of course, there's no reason for the virus to "come back" here to WA except for the never ending stream of interstate and overseas arrivals - despite Australia's so called "border closures" and WA's so called "hard border".
I bet a lot of people in New Zealand are rolling their eyes right now and wondering "How did Australia manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of (COVID-19) victory?".