Ayn Marx wrote on Aug 6
th, 2021 at 7:43am:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Aug 6
th, 2021 at 7:28am:
a number of flavours.
So, given your lifestyle and personal experience, you have found no solace from those who follow Judeo-Christian tenets or enforce them with brutality. Is that your point?
Which particular Judeo-Christian tenets? There are a multitude of contradictory ’tenets’ in both the Tora and the many (mis)translations of the bible.
Which particular brutality are you hinting at? As far as I’m concerned it’s a long list.
And what exactly do you know about my lifestyle? If you’re edging around listing my being openly gay, so what. Scriptural so called authority on the subject is a very dangerous area for you to step into. We could start with the many mistranslations of 1st Timothy 1:10.
I'm not making judgements, nor defending biblical texts. I'm drawing on what you've already posted here about your life.
Certainly the Christian New Testament is littered with mistranslations and deliberate alterations, and too many to list in a post.
What we know as the New Testament was a rescripting of an eastern religion to suit the palate of largely Roman sensibility. The only part of the New Testament that hints at its original thought is the Epistle of James, which is essentially the castigation by James' (the Just, as he was called, the brother of Jesus/Joshua) and his deeply hostile response to Paul's (Saul) Romanising of Joshua's teaching.
Paul had, by about 40AD, stripped bare the tenets of (what was not yet called Christianity) anti-temple Judaism to its bare bones to make it acceptable to the Roman mind. James (the leader of the community post-Joshua) was vehemently opposed to Paul's teaching.
For example, Paul believed faith was all that was needed for salvation. James' argument was that faith without 'works' is empty. As he says, 'Show me your faith without works and I will show you mine with works'.