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Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7 (Read 67918 times)
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #105 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:23pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 6:50am:
Indeed Bobby indeed
Here is how you should look at coronavirus

If you are under 50 it is less of a threat than the flu so you should give it the same sort of attention you gave the flu season in previous years
Probably very little

If you are over 50 then you need to realise that you have a 1 in 2 chance of contracting a semi fatal cancer
And that is going to completely blow your mental state
Coronavirus for the over 50 year olds is probably a 1-in 100 chance of death
and probably the whole terrifying episode will be over in a fortnight

Think of how much less anxiety provoking coronavirus is when compared to being informed by your doctor that you have a carcinoma of the pancreas
or there is a spot in your brain that is growing
All they have just discovered cancer in your liver

Now that is going to be something truly anxiety-provoking

So use the coronavirus as a little warm-up exercise for dealing with the inevitable medical catastrophe that awaits you
If it's not cancer it will be dementia
Or incontinence or blindness or some other catastrophe

Coronavirus is merely a opportunity to practice tackling medical threat head on and realising you are the sort of creature that is resilient enough to tackle medical threat head on

Because believe me when the doctor tells you you have cancer
Hiding under your bed
Locking yourself away from the world
And thinking that you can maintain immortality that way
Is going to be a very stupid strategy

That's true -
I don't believe in the lockdown -
all we need is social distancing and compulsory wearing of masks -
we'd get through it like that.
Sure - people would get sick and die but
that will happen whatever we do.
We have only a small limited control over any airborne virus.
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #106 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:26pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 9:38am:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 9:36am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 9:11am:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 10:53pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 9:35pm:

i heard that Mr Andrews put the security contract on the hotels up for tender.

the winning company then on sold the contract, for a lower price, keeping 100's of 1000's in profit for doing zip.

the second company then onsold it again, keeping 100's of 1000's for doing zip.

finally some blokes were employed on 20 bucks an hour cash in hand who had no experience.

at the very least the tax office should look into this incompetant and illegal mess .

This is very depressing

The fact that he makes up bullshit stories?

Yes, it is a bit.

Would you care to leave the forum forever if my story is correct Grin


The floor is all yours ...

When the Victorian government decided in late March to put private security contractors in charge of hotel quarantine in Melbourne, it was putting the lives of its constituents in the hands of an industry known for shady operators, wage theft and opaque contracting practices.

The lightning decision was made during the first alarming spread of COVID-19 and just 24 hours after the national cabinet on March 27 had decided to detain returning travellers in hotels for two weeks. From then on three private security operators – selected without a tender – would guard the people at the highest risk of carrying the coronavirus.

Recent research from the Fair Work Ombudsman said the private security industry had disproportionate levels of workplace disputes, including issues of contractors bidding down tenders to below the cost of paying employees lawfully.

Some of the quarantine contracts were sub-contracted to smaller operators, a practice that drives down wages and muddles responsibility. A former guard himself, Shah said workers employed directly by big companies typically were paid legal rates and penalties and overtime, but they would then pass off work to sub-contractors that regularly paid migrant workers flat rates of $20 an hour.

“They don’t have contracts and sometimes they don’t get paid at all,” he said. “This is an ongoing issue for the security industry.”

Andrews government accepted a tender from a NSW security firm against its own guidelines . this firm took a cut and passed on the work to a victorian firm
The review's release came as it emerged the state government had selected a NSW firm not on its list of preferred security companies to run security at nine of the hotels.

That firm, Unified Security, subcontracted out work to at least one smaller firm after being contracted.

Unified Security provided guards at the Rydges on Swanston hotel, where one of the two quarantine hotel outbreaks occurred.

The report also delved into “sham contracting” – where an employer illegally pretends an employee is a private contractor so that the worker is responsible for their own pay and conditions.

In the security industry, it means that this employee “may no longer receive employment entitlements such as overtime, penalty rates, and leave”, the review said.

Many guards in the industry, it found, were asked to work as independent contractors or were paid cash-in-hand
Registered and owned by New South Wales residents, the firm Unified  had guards working at nine of around 15 hotels used by the government to house travellers.

Unified was not on a government “panel” that allowed five firms – MSS Security, G4S, National Protective Services, SecureCorp and Wilson – to be contracted at short notice.

Unified Security, asked about how it came to be selected, said in a statement: “As Australia’s largest indigenous owned private security company, we were appointed to provide services in line with the Victorian government’s procurement guidelines.”  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

The statement said any further questions should be asked of the state government, which had approved its contracting arrangements.

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #107 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:28pm
oh dear,  gweggy cuaght with lying again  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #108 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:03pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:23pm:
That's true -
I don't believe in the lockdown -
all we need is social distancing and compulsory wearing of masks -
we'd get through it like that.

People were already social distancing and this still happened.

I have however seen models that show if the population would practice proper social distancing, none of this cutting in front of people between them and the shelf at the supermarket or pushing past people on escalators etc, people would stay at home where they can and self isolate they're showing any symptoms, make sure they get tested and if there are any positive readings the whole household has to go into lockdown and on top of that 80+% of people countrywide wear masks when outside their house then yes, we can avoid lockdowns.

Sure - people would get sick and die but
that will happen whatever we do.
We have only a small limited control over any airborne virus.

This is true but the research has not been completed about how airborne SARS-COV-2 is, yet, although some preliminary evidence may suggest that it could be.

But do you think we're a disciplined enough people to do the above?

How many Scoots are out there that would jeopardise the whole attempts at avoiding lockdowns because they think they can have an old Western-style standoff with the virus, like the real men old?

How many people can have their gatherings without hugging their friends and keeping the proper distance apart or be trusted to keep proper hygiene standards when intoxicated?

I want us to avoid lockdowns as much as possible, but the steps we need to take in order to do that seem like a bridge too far with the SkyNews watching worst elements of our society when it comes to this subject.

In a perfect world, we would all be in this together, but some people have decided to make it their mission to be so stubborn and dig their heels in to help inflate their sense of worth and overcompensate for their masculine lacking attributes.  They've decided this is an us vs them moment and no amount of evidence, reason or common sense, unless it aligns with their views, is worth anything.

Might is right.  Those who speak the loudest must be listened to.
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John Smith
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #109 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:06pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:28pm:
oh dear,  gweggy cuaght with lying again  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

no he's not. You said they sold the contract. That's not what sub contracting is at all. The original contract holder is still responsible for the contract when he subcontracts. You shouldn't comment on things that are out of your league.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #110 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:07pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:28pm:
oh dear,  gweggy cuaght with lying again  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Me?   Lol    Grin

You're the one who made up the bullshit story.

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #111 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:10pm
KangAnon wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:03pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:23pm:
That's true -
I don't believe in the lockdown -
all we need is social distancing and compulsory wearing of masks -
we'd get through it like that.

People were already social distancing and this still happened.

I have however seen models that show if the population would practice proper social distancing, none of this cutting in front of people between them and the shelf at the supermarket or pushing past people on escalators etc, people would stay at home where they can and self isolate they're showing any symptoms, make sure they get tested and if there are any positive readings the whole household has to go into lockdown and on top of that 80+% of people countrywide wear masks when outside their house then yes, we can avoid lockdowns.

Sure - people would get sick and die but
that will happen whatever we do.
We have only a small limited control over any airborne virus.

This is true but the research has not been completed about how airborne SARS-COV-2 is, yet, although some preliminary evidence may suggest that it could be.

But do you think we're a disciplined enough people to do the above?

How many Scoots are out there that would jeopardise the whole attempts at avoiding lockdowns because they think they can have an old Western-style standoff with the virus, like the real men old?

How many people can have their gatherings without hugging their friends and keeping the proper distance apart or be trusted to keep proper hygiene standards when intoxicated?

I want us to avoid lockdowns as much as possible, but the steps we need to take in order to do that seem like a bridge too far with the SkyNews watching worst elements of our society when it comes to this subject.

In a perfect world, we would all be in this together, but some people have decided to make it their mission to be so stubborn and dig their heels in to help inflate their sense of worth and overcompensate for their masculine lacking attributes.  They've decided this is an us vs them moment and no amount of evidence, reason or common sense, unless it aligns with their views, is worth anything.

Might is right.  Those who speak the loudest must be listened to.

If more people followed good hygiene advice and
if masks were compulsory to go shopping etc
we'd have a better outcome.
Unfortunately there are always going to be people
who don't follow the rules.
They only care about themselves.
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John Smith
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #112 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:10pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:10pm:
Unfortunately there are always going to be people
who don't follow the rules.
They only care about themselves

you leave horseboy out of this
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #113 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:12pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:23pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 6:50am:
Indeed Bobby indeed
Here is how you should look at coronavirus

If you are under 50 it is less of a threat than the flu so you should give it the same sort of attention you gave the flu season in previous years
Probably very little

If you are over 50 then you need to realise that you have a 1 in 2 chance of contracting a semi fatal cancer
And that is going to completely blow your mental state
Coronavirus for the over 50 year olds is probably a 1-in 100 chance of death
and probably the whole terrifying episode will be over in a fortnight

Think of how much less anxiety provoking coronavirus is when compared to being informed by your doctor that you have a carcinoma of the pancreas
or there is a spot in your brain that is growing
All they have just discovered cancer in your liver

Now that is going to be something truly anxiety-provoking

So use the coronavirus as a little warm-up exercise for dealing with the inevitable medical catastrophe that awaits you
If it's not cancer it will be dementia
Or incontinence or blindness or some other catastrophe

Coronavirus is merely a opportunity to practice tackling medical threat head on and realising you are the sort of creature that is resilient enough to tackle medical threat head on

Because believe me when the doctor tells you you have cancer
Hiding under your bed
Locking yourself away from the world
And thinking that you can maintain immortality that way
Is going to be a very stupid strategy

That's true -
I don't believe in the lockdown -
all we need is social distancing and compulsory wearing of masks -
we'd get through it like that.
Sure - people would get sick and die but
that will happen whatever we do.
We have only a small limited control over any airborne virus.

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #114 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:20pm
KangAnon wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:03pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:23pm:
That's true -
I don't believe in the lockdown -
all we need is social distancing and compulsory wearing of masks -
we'd get through it like that.

People were already social distancing and this still happened.

I have however seen models that show if the population would practice proper social distancing, none of this cutting in front of people between them and the shelf at the supermarket or pushing past people on escalators etc, people would stay at home where they can and self isolate they're showing any symptoms, make sure they get tested and if there are any positive readings the whole household has to go into lockdown and on top of that 80+% of people countrywide wear masks when outside their house then yes, we can avoid lockdowns.

Sure - people would get sick and die but
that will happen whatever we do.
We have only a small limited control over any airborne virus.

This is true but the research has not been completed about how airborne SARS-COV-2 is, yet, although some preliminary evidence may suggest that it could be.

But do you think we're a disciplined enough people to do the above?

How many Scoots are out there that would jeopardise the whole attempts at avoiding lockdowns because they think they can have an old Western-style standoff with the virus, like the real men old?

How many people can have their gatherings without hugging their friends and keeping the proper distance apart or be trusted to keep proper hygiene standards when intoxicated?

I want us to avoid lockdowns as much as possible, but the steps we need to take in order to do that seem like a bridge too far with the SkyNews watching worst elements of our society when it comes to this subject.

In a perfect world, we would all be in this together, but some people have decided to make it their mission to be so stubborn and dig their heels in to help inflate their sense of worth and overcompensate for their masculine lacking attributes.  They've decided this is an us vs them moment and no amount of evidence, reason or common sense, unless it aligns with their views, is worth anything.

Might is right.  Those who speak the loudest must be listened to.

we were told that lockdown was the instrument to avoid "overwhelming the health system".

victoria has less 4 people in ICU and 1496 ventilators gathering dust.

so they changed the goalposts pal not me
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #115 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:21pm
John Smith wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:06pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:28pm:
oh dear,  gweggy cuaght with lying again  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

no he's not. You said they sold the contract. That's not what sub contracting is at all. The original contract holder is still responsible for the contract when he subcontracts. You shouldn't comment on things that are out of your league.

youre as dishonest as gweg.

in what world is "handing over something to another entity in exchange for a profitable ammount of $$$" not selling  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #116 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:24pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:20pm:
KangAnon wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:03pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 12:23pm:
That's true -
I don't believe in the lockdown -
all we need is social distancing and compulsory wearing of masks -
we'd get through it like that.

People were already social distancing and this still happened.

I have however seen models that show if the population would practice proper social distancing, none of this cutting in front of people between them and the shelf at the supermarket or pushing past people on escalators etc, people would stay at home where they can and self isolate they're showing any symptoms, make sure they get tested and if there are any positive readings the whole household has to go into lockdown and on top of that 80+% of people countrywide wear masks when outside their house then yes, we can avoid lockdowns.

Sure - people would get sick and die but
that will happen whatever we do.
We have only a small limited control over any airborne virus.

This is true but the research has not been completed about how airborne SARS-COV-2 is, yet, although some preliminary evidence may suggest that it could be.

But do you think we're a disciplined enough people to do the above?

How many Scoots are out there that would jeopardise the whole attempts at avoiding lockdowns because they think they can have an old Western-style standoff with the virus, like the real men old?

How many people can have their gatherings without hugging their friends and keeping the proper distance apart or be trusted to keep proper hygiene standards when intoxicated?

I want us to avoid lockdowns as much as possible, but the steps we need to take in order to do that seem like a bridge too far with the SkyNews watching worst elements of our society when it comes to this subject.

In a perfect world, we would all be in this together, but some people have decided to make it their mission to be so stubborn and dig their heels in to help inflate their sense of worth and overcompensate for their masculine lacking attributes.  They've decided this is an us vs them moment and no amount of evidence, reason or common sense, unless it aligns with their views, is worth anything.

Might is right.  Those who speak the loudest must be listened to.

we were told that lockdown was the instrument to avoid "overwhelming the health system".

victoria has less 4 people in ICU and 1496 ventilators gathering dust.

It worked then.

(And there's actually 7 people with COVID in ICU)
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #117 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:30pm
All we needed were face masks - not a lockdown.

Wearing a face mask decreases your risk of being infected with coronavirus risk by 65%

Wearing a face mask dramatically reduces your risk of falling ill with the novel coronavirus, scientists have found.

A team from the University of California Davis Children’s Hospital has found that covering the nose and mouth decreased the risk of COVID-19 infection by 65 percent.

Previously, researchers believed that mask-wearing was only beneficial to prevent transmission of the virus to others.

But, as more studies have found, the piece of cloth doesn’t just stop a sick person from spreading the virus, but also protects healthy people from falling ill 

Wearing a face mask decreases the risk of getting coronavirus by 65% and social distancing lowers the risk by 90%, researchers find.

There are two main methods of coronavirus transmission, one being via droplets that are expelled into the air when a person coughs or sneezes and the other from aerosol particles that humans spray into air when we speak. Pictured: Members of the NYPD hand out disposable face masks to the public, outside the Happy Warrior Playground, July 7

‘Everyone should wear a mask,’ Dr Dean Blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at UC Davis Children’s Hospital, said during a July 2 livestream.

‘People who say, ‘I don’t believe masks work,’ are ignoring scientific evidence. It’s not a belief system. It’s like saying, ‘I don’t believe in gravity.’

There are two main methods by which the coronavirus spreads with the first being via droplets that are expelled into the air when a person coughs or sneezes.

Researchers say these droplets are about one-third the size of a human hair, but visible to the naked eye.

The second way is from aerosol particles that humans spray into air when we speak, which are one-onehundreth the size of a human hair and nearly impossible to see.

This method is more dangerous in terms of transmission, but can be lessened by avoiding crowded indoor spaces. 

‘Studies in laboratory conditions now show the virus stays alive in aerosol form with a half-life on the scale of hours. It persists in the air,’ said Dr William Ristenpart, a professor of chemical engineering at UC Davis.

‘That’s why you want to be outdoors for any social situations if possible. The good air flow will disperse the virus. If you are indoors, think about opening the windows. You want as much fresh air as possible.’

Several reports have found that various types of masks can prevent droplets from entering the respiratory system.

One study found that droplets between 20 to 500 micrometers expelled by someone talking were blocked when the mouth was covered by a washcloth.

Another showed that wearing a mask reduced the amount of droplets and aerosol particles someone with the flu or common cold sprays into the air.

While plexiglass for face shields and cubicles offer protection, transmission can still occur if there isn’t good air flow, said Ristenpart.

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #118 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:43pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:30pm:
All we needed were face masks - not a lockdown.

All'?  No.

"Wearing a face mask decreases the risk of getting coronavirus by 65% and social distancing lowers the risk by 90%, researchers find."
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #119 - Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:49pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:43pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2020 at 1:30pm:
All we needed were face masks - not a lockdown.

All'?  No.

"Wearing a face mask decreases the risk of getting coronavirus by 65% and social distancing lowers the risk by 90%, researchers find."

OK -  all we needed to add to our defenses were face masks -

happy now?

You pedantic twit.
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