Bobby. wrote on Jul 9
th, 2020 at 12:23pm:
That's true -
I don't believe in the lockdown -
all we need is social distancing and compulsory wearing of masks -
we'd get through it like that.
People were already social distancing and this still happened.
I have however seen models that show if the population would practice
proper social distancing, none of this cutting in front of people between them and the shelf at the supermarket or pushing past people on escalators etc, people would stay at home where they can and self isolate they're showing any symptoms, make sure they get tested and if there are any positive readings the whole household has to go into lockdown and on top of that 80+% of people countrywide wear masks when outside their house then yes, we can avoid lockdowns.
Quote:Sure - people would get sick and die but
that will happen whatever we do.
We have only a small limited control over any airborne virus.
This is true but the research has not been completed about how airborne SARS-COV-2 is, yet, although some preliminary evidence may suggest that it could be.
But do you think we're a disciplined enough people to do the above?
w many Scoots are out there that would jeopardise the whole attempts at avoiding lockdowns because they think they can have an old Western-style standoff with the virus, like the real men old?
How many people can have their gatherings without hugging their friends and keeping the proper distance apart or be trusted to keep proper hygiene standards when intoxicated?
I want us to avoid lockdowns as much as possible, but the steps we need to take in order to do that seem like a bridge too far with the SkyNews watching worst elements of our society when it comes to this subject.
In a perfect world, we would all be in this together, but some people have decided to make it their mission to be so stubborn and dig their heels in to help inflate their sense of worth and overcompensate for their masculine lacking attributes. They've decided this is an us vs them moment and no amount of evidence, reason or common sense, unless it aligns with their views, is worth anything.
Might is right. Those who speak the loudest must be listened to.
we were told that lockdown was the instrument to avoid "overwhelming the health system".
victoria has less 4 people in ICU and 1496 ventilators gathering dust.