Bobby. wrote on Jul 8
th, 2020 at 9:19am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 8
th, 2020 at 9:17am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 7
th, 2020 at 3:51pm:
Oh look, I was right.
"Panicked customers have rushed to Coles and Woolworths in Melbourne as lockdown measures come into force.
"Stores across the city were stripped bare on Tuesday night as customers made a mad rush to stock up after Premier Daniel Andrews reintroduced stage three coronavirus restrictions.
"This is despite customers being allowed to shop during lockdown."Morons.
People are frightened -
they live in fear -
they don't know what to do.
Buying supplies makes them feel like they have some control.
People panic buy toilet paper because they have lost confidence in the system
If Australia had a gun culture people would currently be panic buying gunsIf people lose faith in the stock market they get rid of their stocks
If people lose faith in the banks they q ueue up to try to get their money out
So we can tell by this action that people have now lost faith in our leaders
This is not surprising because the leaders are being dishonest with the people
The leaders are telling the people that we just lockdown and then we emerge and return to normality
This will become evident as a lie over the coming months
The virus is going nowhere
The virus is super contagious
A vaccine is no panacea
There is no treatment
if the politicians wished to restore faith in the system
They would tell the people that this virus is not a species ending virus
And for most people will result in a minor illness
But they didn't do that
They have made it into something much much much much bigger than it is
Hoping to score political capital by solving the problem
Well the swedes are quite and intelligent people
And they decided early on there was no solution
And probably their population is not panicking
And probably there population is much much closer to seeing the end of this than Australia
These outbreaks and lockdowns will continue 4 weeks months years until eventually the Australian people and our politicians wake up and face the reality
you have all been delivered a letter from the tax office that you are going to be audited
You can put that in the bottom drawer and try to isolate it
And put it boundary around it and social distance from it
But it's still there like a ticking time bomb
And it is your destiny that you will have to face up to it at some stage
Grow a goddamn spine and face up to it now
And put this ridiculousness behind us
I don't know why you even said something that stupid? ... when you a man on the land knows that that is impossible with the gun laws we have in Australia.
Sounds like something Peccar would say ...... or did say when idiot Premiers prematurely shut down gun shops at the outbreak of the virus.