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Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7 (Read 68002 times)
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #135 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:26pm
oh dear,  so many twits.

a consistent message is
"lockdown only when the hospitals are being over run"

they arent

secondly, if there has been a stuff up,(according to YOUR criteria) then be consistent and lay that blame fairly and squarely on Dan because he hired security people with 3 minutes training to fulfil a health role.
so its on him.

thirdly, admit john smith is wrong about a security company not "selling" something when it "sells " a contract to another company for profit.
i mean, seriously Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

fourthly the aims of marxism are to demolish private enterprise and to increase the power of the state.

please survey small business in victoria and ask them how the lockdown is affecting their bottom line  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

please survey the people stuck in lockdown and ask them if they are feeling that the state is trying to control them

then adopt the sensible aquascoot position

"your response to the virus is ON YOU"
YOU need to take the actions that YOU decide are appropriate after assessing YOUR exposure to risk.

government mandated actions will not work
personal responsibility is the only course forward
and stop changing the goalposts and doing policy on the run

the ICU's are not overwhelmed and the only place for government to limit "human flourishing and freedom" is when the doctors in ICU call Dan and say, we are running out of ventilators.

clearly dan and the worried well are guilty of premature ejaculation.
there is no case for a 6 week lockdown .
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #136 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:32pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:26pm:
oh dear,  so many twits.

a consistent message is
"lockdown only when the hospitals are being over run"

they arent

secondly, if there has been a stuff up,(according to YOUR criteria) then be consistent and lay that blame fairly and squarely on Dan because he hired security people with 3 minutes training to fulfil a health role.
so its on him.

thirdly, admit john smith is wrong about a security company not "selling" something when it "sells " a contract to another company for profit.
i mean, seriously Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

fourthly the aims of marxism are to demolish private enterprise and to increase the power of the state.

please survey small business in victoria and ask them how the lockdown is affecting their bottom line  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

please survey the people stuck in lockdown and ask them if they are feeling that the state is trying to control them

then adopt the sensible aquascoot position

"your response to the virus is ON YOU"
YOU need to take the actions that YOU decide are appropriate after assessing YOUR exposure to risk.

government mandated actions will not work
personal responsibility is the only course forward
and stop changing the goalposts and doing policy on the run

the ICU's are not overwhelmed and the only place for government to limit "human flourishing and freedom" is when the doctors in ICU call Dan and say, we are running out of ventilators.

clearly dan and the worried well are guilty of premature ejaculation.
there is no case for a 6 week lockdown .
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

I quite agree but Chairman Dan has the power.
We don't need another lockdown -
we need tougher rules on how we interact:

face masks to be worn in shops, on trains etc,
no more than 2 visitors at anyone's home,
restaurants restricted to 1 person every 4 square meters  etc.

Just follow strict rules and we'll get through it.
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Carl D
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #137 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:56pm
And, it just gets worse.

Coronavirus: Victoria records 288 new cases, the state's biggest jump in infections since the COVID-19 pandemic began

Victoria has recorded 288 new COVID-19 cases, the largest single day in Australia since the pandemic began.
The state's total now sits at 3397 cases.

I wonder what the number of cases would be for the other States if they were doing as many tests are they are In Victoria?
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** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Australian Politics

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #138 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:56pm
Dan has just spoken -

288 new cases today after massive testing.

Advice is that masks be worn.
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #139 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:59pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:26pm:
oh dear,  so many twits.

a consistent message is
"lockdown only when the hospitals are being over run"

they arent

secondly, if there has been a stuff up,(according to YOUR criteria) then be consistent and lay that blame fairly and squarely on Dan because he hired security people with 3 minutes training to fulfil a health role.
so its on him.

thirdly, admit john smith is wrong about a security company not "selling" something when it "sells " a contract to another company for profit.
i mean, seriously Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

fourthly the aims of marxism ...

Not even half way into the post   Smiley
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Carl D
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Rivervale, Perth
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #140 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:00pm
Beat you by 30 seconds, Bobby.

I've had this awful feeling for a couple of months now that Australia wasn't going to get out of this lightly.

All it takes was a few stuffups like the Victorian hotel quarantine fiasco (and the 250,000 overseas arrivals since the borders were "closed" in March) and we're well on the way to being royally screwed like the US and a few other places.
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** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #141 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:03pm
Carl D wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:00pm:
Beat you by 30 seconds, Bobby.

I've had this awful feeling for a couple of months now that Australia wasn't going to get out of this lightly.

All it takes was a few stuffups like the Victorian hotel quarantine fiasco (and the 250,000 overseas arrivals since the borders were "closed" in March) and we're well on the way to being royally screwed like the US and a few other places.

I agree about the masks but they should be compulsory.
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #142 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:05pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:03pm:
Carl D wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:00pm:
Beat you by 30 seconds, Bobby.

I've had this awful feeling for a couple of months now that Australia wasn't going to get out of this lightly.

All it takes was a few stuffups like the Victorian hotel quarantine fiasco (and the 250,000 overseas arrivals since the borders were "closed" in March) and we're well on the way to being royally screwed like the US and a few other places.

I agree about the masks but they should be compulsory.

They should be nationwide as we reopen...
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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #143 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:05pm
aquascoot wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 11:04am:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 9:19am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 9:17am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 7th, 2020 at 3:51pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 7th, 2020 at 3:38pm:
The stage three lockdown from midnight tomorrow night mean residents will once again have only four reasons to leave their home.

I wouldn't want to be working in Coles or Woollies tomorrow.

Oh look, I was right.

"Panicked customers have rushed to Coles and Woolworths in Melbourne as lockdown measures come into force.

"Stores across the city were stripped bare on Tuesday night as customers made a mad rush to stock up after Premier Daniel Andrews reintroduced stage three coronavirus restrictions.

"This is despite customers being allowed to shop during lockdown."


People are frightened -
they live in fear -
they don't know what to do.
Buying supplies makes them feel like they have some control.

People panic buy toilet paper because they have lost confidence in the system
If Australia had a gun culture people would currently be panic buying guns
If people lose faith in the stock market they get rid of their stocks
If people lose faith in the banks they q ueue up to try to get their money out

So we can tell by this action that people have now lost faith in our leaders

This is not surprising because the leaders are being dishonest with the people
The leaders are telling the people that we just lockdown and then we emerge and return to normality
This will become evident as a lie over the coming months
The virus is going nowhere
The virus is super contagious
A vaccine is no panacea
There is no treatment

if the politicians wished to restore faith in the system
They would tell the people that this virus is not a species ending virus
And for most people will result in a minor illness

But they didn't do that
They have made it into something much much much much bigger than it is
Hoping to score political capital by solving the problem

Well the swedes are quite and intelligent people
And they decided early on there was no solution
And probably their population is not panicking
And probably there population is much much closer to seeing the end of this than Australia

These outbreaks and lockdowns will continue 4 weeks months years until eventually the Australian people and our politicians wake up and face the reality

you have all been delivered a letter from the tax office that you are going to be audited
You can put that in the bottom drawer and try to isolate it
And put it boundary around it and social distance from it
But it's still there like a ticking time bomb
And it is your destiny that you will have to face up to it at some stage

Grow a goddamn spine and face up to it now
And put this ridiculousness behind us

I don't know why you even said something that stupid? ... when you a man on the land knows that that is impossible with the gun laws we have in Australia.

Sounds like something Peccar would say ...... or did say when idiot Premiers prematurely shut down gun shops at the outbreak of the virus. Roll Eyes
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Australian Politics

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #144 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:06pm
Bobby. wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
Dan has just spoken -

288 new cases today after massive testing.

They should stop testing.

"When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn't do any testing we would have very few cases."
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Australian Politics

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #145 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:07pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:53pm:
Carl D wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:48pm:
We really have no chance whatsoever of stopping this virus while this sort of thing continues.

Passengers from Melbourne leave Sydney airport without COVID screening

A planeload of passengers from Melbourne were allowed to disembark at Sydney Airport on Tuesday night without undergoing health screening for coronavirus.

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant confirmed on Wednesday there had been "an issue" at the airport, which saw passengers allowed to disembark and leave the airport while health teams were occupied screening another flight.

Unbelievable. You'd think that while the 'health teams' were occupied elsewhere someone else working at the airport would have arranged for these passengers to be detained until they could be screened but I'm prepared to bet there was a healthy amount of "not my job" comments passed around (assuming they even bothered to give it a thought).

Jesus   Roll Eyes

"An email from Sydney Airport leaked to the ABC claims Jetstar breached NSW Government health orders by allowing travellers on flight JQ520 that landed at 6.53pm to get off without being checked."

Jet Star.... a Qantas company ..... point the finger at Alan Joyce now.
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Australian Politics

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #146 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:08pm
KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 3:11pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:56pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:52pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:28pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:26pm:
Daniel Andrews is repeating the same experiment
expecting a different outcome.

Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying,
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."

What should he be doing?

Continue with social distancing.

He is.

And so was Melbourne.

They were already doing that yet it became a hotspot.

Obviously people weren't following the rules or it would not have happened....right?
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Australian Politics

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #147 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:09pm
Wow,  this is way more contagious then the flu.
And most people will probably get it.

The best option.

Keep the economy strong so we can treat people in hospital if needed.
Let it wash thru society.

It is going to do this no matter what you do

The worst option,

Pull off the band aid really really slowly and get sick when the government has run out of cash due the demolition of the economy.

Professor ian Fraser is right.

Most people will probably get this.

No vaccine or tablet is coming to your rescue.
Work on your own health, weight, physical fitness.

It's on you now.

I expect major outbreaks in other states will be coming soon
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Australian Politics

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #148 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:11pm
Gnads wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:07pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:53pm:
Carl D wrote on Jul 8th, 2020 at 2:48pm:
We really have no chance whatsoever of stopping this virus while this sort of thing continues.

Passengers from Melbourne leave Sydney airport without COVID screening

A planeload of passengers from Melbourne were allowed to disembark at Sydney Airport on Tuesday night without undergoing health screening for coronavirus.

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant confirmed on Wednesday there had been "an issue" at the airport, which saw passengers allowed to disembark and leave the airport while health teams were occupied screening another flight.

Unbelievable. You'd think that while the 'health teams' were occupied elsewhere someone else working at the airport would have arranged for these passengers to be detained until they could be screened but I'm prepared to bet there was a healthy amount of "not my job" comments passed around (assuming they even bothered to give it a thought).

Jesus   Roll Eyes

"An email from Sydney Airport leaked to the ABC claims Jetstar breached NSW Government health orders by allowing travellers on flight JQ520 that landed at 6.53pm to get off without being checked."

Jet Star.... a Qantas company ..... point the finger at Alan Joyce now.

Gareth Evans, actually.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Melbourne back in 6 week lockdown July 7
Reply #149 - Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:13pm
KangAnon wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:05pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:03pm:
Carl D wrote on Jul 10th, 2020 at 2:00pm:
Beat you by 30 seconds, Bobby.

I've had this awful feeling for a couple of months now that Australia wasn't going to get out of this lightly.

All it takes was a few stuffups like the Victorian hotel quarantine fiasco (and the 250,000 overseas arrivals since the borders were "closed" in March) and we're well on the way to being royally screwed like the US and a few other places.

I agree about the masks but they should be compulsory.

They should be nationwide as we reopen...

I agree.
100s of 1000s of Victorians have crossed the borders into other states -
the virus will now be spread all around Australia.
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