Bias_2012 wrote on Jul 10
th, 2020 at 4:06pm:
Victoria is feeling the affects of karma for all their sins. I could care less. That'll teach them for us conscripts having to bunk down in dilapidated wooden dongas at Broadmeadows camp. Jews in Dachau had better conditions
Daggy old WW2 wooden buildings that any decent Council would have condemned decades before. No glass in the windows, swarms of hungry mosquitoes flew in and got under our sheets. I lit those green mosquitoes coils, as many as there was in the box, and we breathed the smoke for hours trying to get some sleep
An idiot taxi driver pulled out and damaged the side of my car, never gave any indication he would stop and give his details, Greek he looked to me - bloody wogs
Couldn't wait to be posted back to NSW. I visited Portsea though, site seeing, before Harold Hold went missing. When I heard the news some time later, I thought "sucko, you wanna treat conscripts like that, you paid for it"
Did you expect silver service in the armed forces....?
When I worked on the ANZAC frigates (fabrication / construction) the bunks were so tightly squeezed together in the vertical if you slid in on your back and wanted to turn on your tummy you would have to get out and back in again.
The captain had a very very small single bed (child's bed really) luxury I guess, if he or she was over 6 foot their feet would be hanging over the edge that's how small it was.