UnSubRocky wrote on Jul 7
th, 2020 at 11:02pm:
Actually, it is kind of weird to right "I sympathise" and then write "Lols". Makes it look like I was being sarcastic.
Not at all 🤗 it was perfectly understood and nice of you to write that. I was feeling a bit upset if not teary, and was nice of you to write your sympathising.
I decided I’m going to buy paint at Bunnings and do the hallway, laundry, loo, and shower/ basin area white To brighten it up for better light aspect.
That peachy pink colour is a little outdated, yet I heard it’s coming back in fashion

Well I’m sure painting will help pass the time.
Not gonna do too much Netflix or origami like I had been 😂
I just hope this damn curve flattens for good this time!
I just heard on news 2 ambo drivers got covid.
Well it’s like this..... I had a young mum tell me she brought her daughter into Box Hill hospital, and none of the medical staff were in full PPE.
No visor thingy, just a mask.
She asked a nurse about it, and was told if someone comes in with covid, they get sent to isolation area.
And same with Alfred and Royal Melbourne hospital, by word of mouth with these young mums. Only a mask worn by nurses.
And many infections are community spread, but still under investigation.
I think paramedics, nurses, should be more protected as they face community under unwell circumstances more.
Obviously more changes need to be made in these public areas/hospitals.
More Perspex and distancing marked clearly.