greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 24
th, 2020 at 10:07am:
KangAnon wrote on Jul 24
th, 2020 at 9:58am:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 23
rd, 2020 at 3:41pm:
Just got back from a large shopping center
in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
I only saw 3 people who weren't wearing a mask:
One was a Middle Eastern looking young bloke in a
fruit and vegetable shop - touching and squeezing fruit.
Another was a guy pushing a bicycle into the center.
Lastly there was a massively obese woman on a mobility scooter
stuffing her face with food in the food court.
It seems that the message hasn't reached all people.
There was a security guard there who walked right
past the woman on the mobility scooter and did nothing.
I must admit, when I'm at the Fruit and Veg shop/section, for any of the loose items, I've started using the bag that I intend to store them in around my hand to sample them, as if I was picking up dog poo.
Sometimes you gotta check the Avas to see how ripe they are before you decide to buy them, to be on the safe side, even if I've used hand sani, I will still bag my hand so I don't have to touch the produce.
I also try to browse with my eyes and only pick things up when I'm sure I want to buy them as much as possible.
It's an extra thing to worry about and it takes more time... but what can we do right? Someone has to do the right thing and set an example. I only started bagging my hand after seeing someone else do it to be honest...
I take similar precautions now, but I seem to be the only person doing it.
I work in the city and have a Woolworths right near my office, so I do a small shop every day (rather than a large weekly shop).
The store provides hand sanitiser, and sanitiser wipes to clean the baskets, but I hardly ever see anyone using them.
I use them both every time I enter the store, but the people in front of or behind me very rarely use them.
I'm more annoyed by the people who are in a way trying to do the right thing but doing the wrong thing in practice. Like, when you enter the story, there is one hand sanitiser bottle or auto dropper to the left or right and some wipes for the basket/trolley.
So naturally, if multiple people need to use it, you have to wait in line. So I'm there waiting in line, get to the bottom, take the wipe and some hand sani and before I can even start working into the store, someone else who is entering just reached in from of me rubbing their arm against me to squeeze some out.
And I said to the old guy, "nice social distancing there mate" and his response made me smile, I'm not sure why, I think it's just one of those situations where all you can do is laugh, he said "piss off ya prick" haha...
He was trying to do the right thing but in the end, was still a piece of poo and he'd have been better off doing nothing.
Queensland is in for one hell of a second wave.
The number of asymptomatic cases that will have already come in from NSW already, it's just a matter of time with this non-existent social distancing.
The problem is even before COVID, we're (and I'm speaking for QLD) a largely lazy, uninformed, dirty. "she'll be right" sort of people who don't like being told what to do and don't have time for things like being polite.
When you add mask-wearing, social distancing, the requirement of good hygiene and self-isolation when sick to the list, it's all too much to ask of us.
We've been incredibly lucky, but it won't last forever. That luck has made us complacent and just give up on social distancing. Even with the stickers on the ground, people aren't staying the right distance apart waiting at the checkout or takeaway joints.
So my advice to QLDers on the forum and social media etc, don't get all cocky and rude to your souther state friends and family about how they're failing with COVID. We're the Florida of Australia, our 2nd wave will be much worse.
I know you're probably tired of hearing this, but we really are all in this together. Why would you be cocky when you have hundreds of Vics & NSWmen falsifying declarations & not isolating & disappearing all over the state?
As for being in it together it seems that's right .....
only it's southerners obviously not caring if they are spreading the virus .... because of an attitude that if we've got it ... you're gonna get it too.