Bobby. wrote on Jul 8
th, 2020 at 3:43pm:
I have to blame someone so the captain
of the ship gets a serve*.
In future don't half quote me to
dishonestly put me in a bad light.
* Unless the Captain is Trump, then we look for someone else to blame?
You're a walking contradiction Bobby. You want to attack anyone who agrees with the lockdown as doing the same but expecting a different result,
Bobby. wrote on Jul 8
th, 2020 at 2:26pm:
repeating the same experiment expecting a different outcome
Then you incorrectly attribute that to Einstein but that's a story for another time.
The lockdowns worked, they flattened the curve. That's the result they want, they want the same result.
It was the social distancing after that which has lead to this, or, more accurately, the poorly enforced and even more poorly practised social distancing that has lead to these hotspots.
It's not helped by an entire arm of the media, even locally in Australia (big ol' bugger you to Sky News) that are devoted to challenging and discrediting via deception the accepted medical research, conclusions and advice despite it negatively impacting their older audience the most.
Then there are the public figures spreading conspiracies and false information about the measures taken, like using a mask, staying at home weakening the immune system and the plethora of other flat out wrong information that their supporters and fans are too stupid or lazy to check the authenticity of.
And as for your video, there have been many simulations done and the reliable ones that shared their methodology and opened themselves up to scrutiny all require at least an 80% uptake in the population wearing masks for the effect to be the same as a full lockdown.
That's right, we can avoid lockdowns by wearing masks on top of proper hygiene and social distancing, who would have thought? We have the power!
But too many people, the people on your "side" bobby, are fighting against it, here and especially in the US, the former leaders of the free world.
You're just not making any sense anymore. You've put
yourself in a bad light.
At least we have had some national leadership in Scomo. It's not perfect, but boy is it better than the US.
But still, armchair critics and those with vested interests are proving that we can't, as a people, be trusted to socially distance properly and wear masks etc rather than going into lockdown.
It can't be done. There are too many people like Scoot and Rich within our population, especially here in QLD bugger me..........
When we have a hot spot it will be much worse than in Victoria/Melbourne, so I hope none of my fellow QLDers are laughing at them.
We're all in this together. Hopefully, the rest of the country can see and learn from this and take their personal responsibility seriously.
But that's my greatest fear. My families survival and prosperity are tied to my fellow Australian's not being selfish and doing the right thing.
Nightmare fuel.
I've been compassionate and considerate of others all my life. I know how many people are NOT like that. The "vast majority" isn't adequate to describe it, not even close.
And with social media and the era of the influencer, flap me... People are more selfish and even dumber than ever.
It's so shocking that someone of Scoot's vintage acts how he does, but some people are just rotten to the core, it doesn't matter their age.
We need to be together on this, not being a front bottom for front bottom's sake...