greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 28
th, 2020 at 11:33am:
This might explain a few things:
"Lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
"From Adelaide, South Australia" 
Looks like she went on one of those morning TV shows today and they (Karl) cut the interview short.
"You don't get to shut me down because you don't like what I say.
"Where there's a Witch there's always a way and now you are also on my radar." I've charted her mental decline. It looks like her son was starting to post to social media in January, sharing conspiracy theories about the Australian Bushfires that they were started by the Government to get high-speed rail going.
He went from posting about climate change in support of taking action to slowly being disillusioned at any action we take being fought at every step and wanting an explanation of why we're so powerless. Rather than accepting that Corporate greed controls our policymakers, he went deeper, and it all started with the idea, at least that be believed in enough to share on Facebook, that it's all about high-speed rail.
Given there is a well-established conspiracy about this in the US where the Californian wildfires were not a result of climate change but Hillary Clinton and her Deep State elites using space lasers to start the fires to clear the way for high-speed rail to help more easily traffic children that they'll terrorise, rape and abuse to spike the levels of adrenochrome in their blood to harvest for their unnatural therapeutic needs, it wasn't long before the high-speed rail idea here was only a quick google search away from that.
Her son has since posted many conspiracy posts from Jim Carry exposing the Freemasonry/Illuminati to posts about shadow government in Aus, CEOs all stepping down before COVID-19 because they knew it was coming and after the lockdowns went into effect and he wasn't able to go to the gym he spent a lot more time online and appears to have been fully redpilled into the QArmy.
It was around this time his mother started posting about the conspiracies and paedophiles with a few QAnon tags here or there until May when her attention went from reading and prediction (since she's a psychic) about COVID-19 and wishing people health and advising them to take the proper precautions like wearing gloves and masks to being fully redpilled herself and it's now all fake, it's all about controlling the population, forcing us to shed our rights, moves to a cashless society and have all our transactions tracked and eventually our movements via forced vaccines, microchips and Bill Gates branding all humans with the mark of the Devil.
Her decline is nothing new, I've seen it happen to many actual influences, not just psychic con artist, exorcist and pagan ceremonial official to straight-up Witchcraft with her own coven. Ones who started out with "clean eating" blogs or simply just Insta influencers and they've got from makeup or clothing sponsorships to trying to sell QAnon merch and posting about WWG1WGA, MAGA etc etc.
But she's cracked away from simply being online administering a facebook group that is constantly having fact-check correction posted under her content, her sharing screenshots of the warnings she gets and her accounts being suspended into going on TV to explain her stupidity and belligerence.
It's not her first time on TV, she was often asked to make psychic predictions and one in January was around Ghislaine Maxwell, around the time her son started posting about his conspiracy nonsense. For the record, she said back then that Ghislaine would resurface in 6 months which she was pretty close. But it's hard to tell, did she red pill her son, or did he red pill her?
Either way, the decline to full insanity can be seen on her multiple groups and personal accounts. She went from posting weekly to advertise her public appearances and online readings to posting 10-15 times a day, at all hours exclusively about the conspiracies she believes and is pushing her <name removed> Army followers to do the same.
It looks like a lot of her personal relationships have ended as many of her posts used to include those around her but that's all stopped, even after the lockdown restrictions eased.
She is nuts.
I almost feel sorry for her, but given how dangerous her misinformation is I'm more concerned about that than her mental health.
I'm going to try and stop posting about her here and may restart my long dead blog and leave it all there instead.