KangAnon wrote on Jul 29
th, 2020 at 3:42pm:
Haven't we had 2 people who lied about being in Vic return to QLD and test positive after being in the community for over a week?
They're going into full contact tracing mode but these 2 didn't quarantine for the 2 weeks like they should have because they lied.
QLDers aren't following proper social distancing especially in the Logan area where they were. A school has had to be closed and it's likely we'll be heading for a lockdown in these areas again in the next few weeks.
Lemme get this straight.... 2 Queenslanders came into a locked down area of Melbourne?
Then went back to Queensland and lied about where they’d been?
Throw the book at them!
I want Queensland safe ... my daughter is in the Gold Coast.
I want to be able to go back up again ... these people knowingly doing the wrong thing....are guilty.
What’s going to happen to them, Annastacia says she’s furious.... how about some charges....
Like WTF as if I were a Queenslander I would go to Melbourne!
As much as my daughter and I badly miss each other, our hugs, I tell her to stay up there, it’s nicer, it’s warmer, it’s safer.
We have face time on our phones, she took me in a virtual shopping sprint at Harbour Town yesterday, showed me some nice new leggings at Victoria’s Secret outlet store, instead of $120 each, she got 3 for $70 coz I saw one I liked and said to her to buy it for me for when I get back up there.

(Am I filled with too much notion of positive here?
