Sophia wrote on Aug 1
st, 2020 at 12:56pm:
KangAnon wrote on Aug 1
st, 2020 at 12:40pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 31
st, 2020 at 3:39pm:
Sophia wrote on Jul 31
st, 2020 at 3:29pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 31
st, 2020 at 12:32pm:
Oh that makes it okay then? Lesser entity? (Noted the rolling eyes)
Missing the point here.... animals are now effected with this... first I heard of an animal death. Poor baby. Wouldn’t have understood what was happening.
one animal has died WITH covid not FROM covid.the dog had cancer (surely a cause for death) but some twit does a swab and grows covid (probably because the dog has no immune system due to its blood cancer) and now we have this nonsense.
as if people arent already way way way too anxious,
now ONE animal tests positive and the sensationalist media want to scare people about their pets.
Yeah, this is unaccpetable from the media.
We're trying so hard to get accurate information out and have people take it and the expert advice seriously, and then things like this happens...
Come on guys (aka the media and the social media "click share before engaging brain" crap)... You know how hard that is! There’s so very much media ... that one doesn’t know what to believe anymore.
Who or what do we believe?
It’s serious and deadly.
It’s nothing but a mild flu.
It’s a conspiracy... it’s all fake to control the masses with fear.
It’s a man made virus.
It comes from bats.
People die from covid.
People don’t die from covid.
People die because of covid.
Covid spreads more in winter.
Covid likes heat better.
Animals don’t get the virus.
Animals do get the virus.
Wearing masks work.
Wearing masks don’t work.
Wearing masks helps a little bit.
Wearing masks are against our liberties and rights.
Have I covered it all?
Feel free to add some more.

Signed... an oscillating reader of the media.
It's important to choose your sources wisely and avoid, where possible, the opinions of those providing the information, especially if it's coming from social media, YouTube or even the nightly news and current affairs shows on TV (especially the latter).
The peak health bodies of each state and the federal one is a good place to start in Aus. The CDC and then the WHO are also good resources.
I like some doctors on YouTube, but if they don't cite the research they're talking about, not interested, and even then, it's on us to check their sources too.
It's like learning the policies and platforms of political candidates in the run up to the election, only we have to do it daily and about every news report.
It's tiring but I'd rather be informed than not.
Even if you've chosen your sources wisely, it's still a mistake to just believe whatever they say. We might be critical of people who just believe Trump no matter what he says and get triggered when you accuse him, even with proof, of lying or spreading blatantly false information, as Rich does, but we must not fall for the same thing, even if our sources are actually being truthful.
I'm no doctor or scientist, I only came as close as doing Chem, Physics and Biology in high school, I've made mistakes in believing junk and having to educate myself and change my opinions and I'm not shy about it.
I'm proud of it.
I just wish those like Rich and Mech would not see an admission that you were wrong and an effort to correct that as weakness and would stop doubling down on whatever nonsense they believe in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.