Carl D wrote on Aug 2
nd, 2020 at 9:28am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 2
nd, 2020 at 9:19am:
Unfortunately, it was inevitable.
Quote:The Andrews government will deliver a range of tough lockdown measures to come into effect on Wednesday, putting restrictions on shopping, workplaces and travel.
Why Wednesday? Why not today? I can see a "mass panic" occurring in the next 3 days as people try to get out of Victoria by any means possible.
It will be worse than what we saw when people were given 36 hours "notice" of the stage 3 lockdowns for Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire over 3 weeks ago.
And, I'm sure we'll be seeing mass panic buying in the shops in the whole of Victoria starting today, as well.
Why always behind the eight ball I ask too

Why soooo sloooow ??
NZ did the “hit it early and hit it hard” thing... what the heck is happening here with our slow to act premier?
Why? Why? Why delay?
There is always danger in delay in this situation.
Delaying the inevitable of stricter measures? Bring it on!
We are now in mid week 4 of lockdown and no good results have happened.
Why is Victoria allowing interstate travellers to come into Melbourne when their borders are locked?
What hypocrisy.
Shut Vic borders. If that were done initially, those two deceitful females would not have come into Melbourne to have brought the contagion up to Queensland.
Stay safe Queensland 🙏🏻
Hope your premier acts more expediently than ours.